Nerf Mulasem the worst limited legendary

It’s not bad, just easily countered so people don’t feel comfortable using it. It’s similar to Wraithhost in that way. Confident strike monsters without a quick way to heal or another move to fall back on aren’t anything special for PvP. Natural selection is high TU and restricted targets.

Yeah man it’s pretty weird it didn’t work a single time

When you own it you will see. He won’t make your PvP team.

Prevalence of posion ruines his revenge passive and confident strike. Natural selection has rubbish TU for PvP. Only good for Super Epics like you said.
I didn’t mind him beimg trash for PvP but losing his PvE bug sealed him to the bench for all eternity.

Basically he can’t be used anywhere. Just a piece of crap. Maybe Newbies will find him useful for low tier PvP but he trash bro.

He simply doesn’t cut it for PvP, and no longer useful for PvE…

Basically the bug made him useful…But now it seems to be gone for me.

Nah, Mulasem is worse imo. All it needs is a stat change and it’ll be decent to good.

I thought I put the restriction. My bad.

Wait, I didn’t quite get that combo. You’d need to give turn to both a Pullback monster and a Give Turn monster to loop it indefinitely. But if you give turn to those two monsters, then you can’t really do anything else besides looping, no? It’s not like standard LINK Double Give Turn when you can give turn to a sweeper AND a Give Turn monster.

Here in Brazil, this is the headless mule, or mula-sem-cabeça, translated.

I love musalem, it works great if its secret skill is unlocked!

musalem is obviously far far better than GALVBANE

gary its way powerful than galvbane though

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Oh no, Gary… He started to complain about Galvbane again


As you do it, the monster that was next in line comes in and out 5 times. If it has roaring entrance it can take turns. However, probably the best setup is a monster with shocking/tranquillising/dreamy entrance so with all those entrances you completely disable the enemy team.

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@DMG_INFERNO please stop trolling and keep this thread on topic.

Everyone knows Galvbane is better than Musalem


Spoken like a true Mod


I really thought you liked to be trolled


Musalem 》》》》》》》Galvbane


That’s a race and galvbane is far ahead of musalem?

then maybe u dont have heard about a thing called MATHS

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Career ending burn here, I’ll just go dig my grave guys


sorry bro, I am an Asian , so like we are fed Maths and Taunts at Lunchs and Dinner


Ooooo got it, it’s the entrance that matters

Ok, it’s definitely something I didn’t think of and could be horribly busted. Nevermind.

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