🏆 Neo Monsters tier list (see first post) 🏆

you have the top icon 50x30 times @Killerdog

Thanks for the number!

It dealt 4.1k to nulltron the other day

Then its probably likely the average is 4600 (fluctuating between 4.1k - 5.0k).

Tbh it wouldn’t surprise me if the average of the damage distribution corresponded to Razoray’s ATK (which is about 4600)

Yeah I’ll check those numbers against my Nauticruiser’s. The focused version will probably have the same damage multiplier



This is a shorter update to get the Crystal Worms into the correct positions. We’ve seen them all now and they’ve turned out to be a lot stronger than they looked at first glance. One bit I personally missed was how after using feast accelerate the void moves are very reasonable TU so you can very easily get the second kill for bloodfury/bloodthirst with one of those or use them when you need the piercing/void effect. Also, the bloodfury damage is multiplied by 1.8x so they one-shot all legendaries except high defence ones after just one kill despite having minimum attack and being SEs.


These are done in order of release with mythics, legendaries then super epics, etc…

cwyellow Crystal worm flavus goes in at A for general and S- for PvP, with the highest speed and void slayerbreak this is the best candidate for being outside the FL then having a good choice between killing an enemy or feasting, based on the scenario. It powers up the CW strategy but having bloodthirst does make it slightly worse than the best ones.


A very small number of movements here, mostly from community feedback. I highly recommend you read the notes about the crystal worms.

Fiona moves from A → S- in PvP, I wasn’t too sure where this stood when I first saw it but the more I think about it and see it in practice the more certain I am it’s among the best mythics. Very tanky, stun immune, high speed instant purifying mist is great anywhere you put it in the team and slowing down the enemies is brutal in some cases. There are a bunch of ways to build around Fiona. I think in the long run it’ll stand out very well.
Cypridrus moves from E → C in PvP, the upgrade to DCS was bigger than I imagined. With the elem accelerate this is a fast sweeper on the battlefield a fair amount of the time as well as the passive benefit it gives and chance for reverse lining up to get you extra turns.
F.D. Maeve moves from E → D in PvP, F.D. shield all is a great way to set up teammates and the knockback that bypasses protectors has proved more useful than I anticipated.
Persephia moves from D → E in PvP, sadly the rocks are too heavily countered by the way design has gone and the PvP meta will be for the forseeable future.
Oakthulhu moves from S → S- in PvP, camouflage being around more and monsters generally being tankier (especially mythics) make this less impressive.
Deodragon moves from C → D in PvP
Gentleowl moves from A → S- in PvP, a bit better than I gave it credit for. 70TU give turn is lovely and the other moves are strong in the right situations. The speed and defence make it a little awkward to deal with.

Crystal worms analysis:

I think I've figured out how to play with them. The idea is you put the slow ones with bloodfury in the front line alongside Ater for the wallbreaker. The slow CW have void moves with plenty of targets so you pick which get kills and which feast on the others, with the newly entering CW being fast so they get a turn quickly to do a void move before being feasted or quickly remove your CW on high seconds and become a sweeper themselves.

They hard counter stun and poison, have no killer weaknesses and high defence so are difficult to kill right at the start of the battle (especially because they heal the team while feasting) plus if you meet sleep then you can feast any of the three faster CW to wake up your team. With all this in mind, there are plenty of enemies you can keep alive while you’ve got CW on the battlefield.

Bloodfury has its damage multiplied by 1.8x the usual amount so does enough to one-shot many legendaries (rounded stats it has more than 50% chance, anything lower is guaranteed, anything higher is very unlikely). All void moves easily one-shot enemies, even buffed ones.

I personally found them good literally as all six in a row at the start of a team because they have a lot of versatility (as described above) but I know some people like using them with a protector or something like G.F. Sunflower who creates bronzeshells as you feast. I’m sure people will figure out how best to do it in the long run. My setup is having control behind the 6 CW so I can win with their 59TU blood moves that I’ve set up.

The CW are undoubtedly the strongest group of SEs made for PvP. They are terrible if not all used together so they don’t have the flexibility of the Flutterdrakes and Pyramid Golems but they wreck lower tier players in PvP and you can build around them to be top tier viable in both PvE and PvP. With that all in mind, here’s where I’m moving them to in the tier lists…

Crystal worm purpureus moves from S → S+ in general and S → S+ in PvP, the highest speed CW with bloodfury makes this a key one for the strategy. Demoralise is especially good as an alternative to bloodfury when using this as a sweeper.
Crystal worm roseus moves from S- → S+ in general and S- → S+ in PvP, fastbreaker is an exceptional move. This is the most reliable sweeper of the group and the best one to get going if you can.
Crystal worm caeruleus moves from B → S in general and A → S in PvP, vengeance is almost automatically charged so another great sweeper with bloodfury but the slowest of them all.
Crystal worm ater moves from D → A in general and C → S- in PvP, wallbreaker and decent speed makes this the best FL option of the bloodthirst CW to help the others target what they want before being feasted.
Crystal worm viridis moves from D → A in general and C → A in PvP, the slowest bloodthirst CW and nothing that it does in particular (poison monsters are often good to leave alone) but is a useful enough feast target or can often become your sweeper as you use the void moves on the others and this one doesn’t have a target so removes the high seconds CW.


F.D. Maeve Definitely S


The damage from her nullifying strike kills squishy legendaries but can’t kill anything with good defence or any mythics. So in the future when mythics are more common she will not have much damage potential at all. Instead she will just set up the team by shielding them then do focused knockbacks. The power level of the flutterdrakes is good but not excessive, so I think given her poor damage and this restriction she is not at all a top tier mythic. However, she’s definitely good in some teams.

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There you go only thinking about if something can kill. It’s the setup with her. She literally setup way to easy. Run her with blue flutter and u have a fast knockback/sweeper that accel.


Not at all???

Did you miss this line? This is literally the reason why I moved her up in the tier list and the main use I see for her.

I just don’t think it’s strong enough to put her in a high tier because it’s setup for a maximum of two monsters, becomes bad if blue flutter is killed (you have to start swapping Maeve out for random flutters) and the option for damage is made much worse against mythic teams so the moveset is very restricted.

It’s not about how she can’t kill, it’s how that option is much worse than it looks so her total number of powerful options are limited… on top of the restrictions and potential downsides that might occur.

Leira can set up a huge number of things and has a wide variety of combos. She’s an S tier setup monster.

A fun video here looking back at the history of bad monsters in the game. I hope you enjoy it! Also, a prequel to my upcoming top 10 video series.


Now do Top 10 monsters that were sooo broken. they had to be nerfed fast

Hmm that’s an idea. I may do that in the future. I’m trying to fit all these top 10s in before my series covering the monsters from 2021 (starting in Nov-Dec) so don’t know how many more I can pack in.


Cynthia would’ve made the list if it didn’t take so long to get a super small nerf lol

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Only monsters who were op untill the nerf came to them can be mentioned

Like cani

Or chromera



We recently had an update to version 2.23 which you can see here. This post will cover the movements with regards to these changes.

We got a bunch of new status symbols for monsters as well as a few other visual and text changes. This update made a lot of interesting new stuff for us to play with.

Mark monsters got buffed across the board so rather than all having poison immunity they have poison immunity + half stun immunity. This has made them quite a lot better for PvP but I haven’t moved them all in the tier lists.
Rockoid morph got its TU drastically reduced so it’s now much like backstab. Arachnadiva is made far better due to this change but is already S tier in PvP so isn’t moving.
Lucifelle got charm’s sleep duration increased from 50 → 100 because sleep no longer passes 130s, it only passes 50s. Charm lost a huge amount of its power, which is now back (it technically gives a weaker effect than originally but the window for using it on enemies is larger so it’ll come up more in battles).
Lemon 2nd form was weakened so there’s now a proper reason to awaken it (but still tier 1) and it won’t be so powerful for only 11 cost.


These are only with respect to the changes in version 2.23. Almost entirely buffs in this update with a number impacting specifically PvE and others specifically PvP.

Exocross moves from A → S- in PvP and second form tier 1 → tier 2, already revamped last update this has been buffed for the third time with half stun immunity and could make it among the best sweepers in the game even if it has quite low speed. If you’re a big spender I hope you are keen to try this monster out.
Milgon moves from D → C in general and D → C in PvP, definitely still needs to be used in a mark team but it’ll be a decent enough tanky sweeper there.
Mantiferno moves from A → S in general and A → S- in PvP, this is an incredibly deadly sweeper that is ideal for PvE setups. It’s kept in check by the low speed and defence but if we keep getting humanoids at the rate we are I will probably put this up another tier in PvP. Gaining bloodfury speeds it up and makes cornered snipe more just for when you need raw/piercing. It’s basically like a squishy Satomi now.
Gryphking moves from S- → S in general, I want to see how this plays out in PvP before moving it (I was convinced this was A tier and was going to move it up but somehow it was S- already). With stun converter this has been enormously buffed but in PvP it’s still held back by being slow to take its first action. In mortar teams it will be amazing, we’ll just have to see how viable it is outside of those.
Nefariodon moves from S → S+ in general, half stun immunity makes this a brilliant sweeper for a SE. There’s tough competition for S+ in PvP but in a mark team this is excellent of course.
Leomidas moves from E → C in PvP, unmovable and shortening the time between eat ally and eat enemy makes this moveset work far better. Not only is it smoother, it’s also faster to impact the battle and get to raw bloodthirst. I’m really glad with this change, but the monster is still not going to be used competitively unless a team emerges that wants incredibly rapid backstabbing.
Buffbuffalo moves from S- → S+ in PvP, with 70TU rockoid morph this is now one of the top backstab monsters. It lacks aggression but can function well as stun protection for your team, retribution triggering in the FL / in combos and has the versatility of healing teammates rapidly and/or protecting them. I think it will be possible to fit this into teams where it feels incredibly strong. Bear in mind it can always remove itself if it’s a problem.




It’s time for the July and August additions. Some really impressive SEs here for the PvP meta. Otherwise, mostly balanced and quite nice monsters for people who want to build around/with them.


These are done in order of release with mythics, legendaries then super epics, etc…

stainedgd Iridescezarc goes in at C for general, E for PvP and second form Tier 2, with ridiculously tanky stats I can see this being an incredible wall if you can heal it regularly. Even so, pretty much disabling the whole enemy team for 80s when it dies is a fairly big effect. Those things combined looks good, but the low speed makes it hard to judge. Unfortunately I can’t see it in combat properly so I’ll have to go with my gut instinct that it’s decent enough in PvE when built around but in PvP is too abusable with repulse, stun, etc. plus the weakness to protect+stun+sleep killer is a problem.

redfairy Berry goes in at C for general, A for PvP and second form Tier 2, with high defence, high speed, no killer weaknesses and 1.33x boosted damage on assassinate and dual slayerbane this is a nasty sweeper that counters all stealth and camouflage. It’s among the top sweepers but not quite at the very top, especially since it has no versatility. This is definitely a great mid-game monster and I’m not surprised it’s fire element yet again (they get all the sweepers lol).

catidol Mai goes in at F for general, C for PvP and second form Tier 2, with high speed and sonic strike this is probably a good FL monster and once you have a kill she should have a defence buff. She mixes a variety of damage, healing and entrance control… all of which quite impressive but not amazing. She’s pretty terrible for PvE where the enemy teams have more monsters, sonic strike can’t be lined up and entrance control doesn’t matter. In PvP I can see her adding flexibility to a team when positioned well. She reminds me a lot of Nightingale, with faster moves but less versatility.

flowerfb Garden fairy lily goes in at E for general and D for PvP, with a pretty clunky moveset this is the weakest garden fairy. 70TU true hit is brilliant when it comes up but otherwise you’ll have a hard time getting much out of vigor laser blast. One charge doesn’t reliably kill enough legendaries and won’t one-shot any mythic so you’re looking at a slow attack rate that also has to line up with being on high HP. Lily doesn’t really add much to the garden fairies since the accelerate is only on monsters that enter afterwards and not even a super powerful effect in a lot of cases (we use accelerate team at times when it will actually matter, not just randomly accelerating things). Mantiferno’s accelerate entrance is far more powerful for putting you in a stronger position. I won’t rant further, this monster needs tweaking I think to give it proper use other than being a protector counter for the G.F.s and requiring their healing to do its own sweeping. My idea was to switch stun revenge for “healing capacitor”, where being healed by a teammate (300HP+) charges energy so it becomes a faster sweeper with the GF, has use in any team with heals and with teammates charging it Lily will automatically be charged twice.

bigml Sephileon goes in at F for general and A for PvP, with two very powerful passives and a moveset clearly modelled after Dusicyon this has some great potential. Explosive revenge all triggers the overwatch put on teammates so if it gets ignored the enemy team will be punished. I think the trick will be to use sendback because people are going to quickly learn it’s a top priority target. The moves are very situational and it has chrono weakness so I think ultimately its success will be limited a bit. I think it’s worse than Dusicyon but better than Aurodragon.

thunderwolf Alphastorm goes in at S- for general and S+ for PvP, with 100TU easy sweeping moves and stun immunity this is giving some Ahuizard vibes. Ahuizard protects your team from sleep with its lava entrance while Alphastorm protects your team from stun with rescuing sendback. This looks like it will fit into the PvP meta beautifully. I definitely plan to use it lots. I’m very happy with both Sharkrex and Alphastorm we’ve had lately. Fast fury hits 1/3 of legendaries and mythics but I think on average people tend to play the faster stuff a bit more so it’s probably higher than that.

fanpea Wavetail goes in at B for general and S for PvP, with the ability to counter retribution FLs this will definitely have a place in the PvP meta going forward. It’s also a high speed sendback so has its own combo potential, protects from stun, slows down sweepers and can do good damage of its own. The variety here means it can probably fit into lots of different teams, which is great when it’s a silver bullet to some strategies. We don’t know the union attack damage for sure yet but even assuming it doesn’t one-shot, I like what I see. This seems like a really balanced and interesting monster.

wizfrog Gandalfrog goes in at S- for general and The best epics for PvP, with all the archetype support moves this is a fun addition with fun art and a fun name. The low-ish speed stops it from being too competitive but this is definitely no joke. It’s especially good for mortar teams to help them get around their slow loading, or specific monsters that cannot mark/load/charge easily like the pyramid golems, or Nauticruiser (more may come in the future).


I reviewed the second form mythics because I realised a few were out of place due to game balance updates. Otherwise, just a few movements.

Bastia second form moves from Tier 1 → Tier 2, the healing from first turn, purifying, shielding and faster knockback are all far more impressive on the awakened form. In PvE it still works perfectly fine in the second form.
Voidress second form moves from Tier 1 → Tier 2, changing the setup to have things in tier 2 and note that they’re tier 1 for PvE, rather than the other way around.
Auraleus second form moves from Tier 2 → Tier 1, with energy charge sped up a while ago and more charge support this has proven to be great even in second form.
Deus X second form moves from Tier 2 → Tier 3
Persephia second form moves from Tier 2 → Tier 3, with the buff to the rebirth moves there is a more significant difference between the two forms (since rebirth actually sets up throw next nicely on awakened form).
Lime second form moves from Tier 3 → Tier 1, with the overhauled moveset I should have moved this up. It’s got the same TU moves and everything as the awakend form.

Asmodia moves from S- → A in PvP, with some tankier fast sweeping options around in mythics (e.g. Exocross) I think this slips down a tier. It’s awesome for poison teams but can’t kill just anything you want, unlike other monsters.
Aurodragon moves from S- → A in PvP, I put this up to S- 1.5 years ago and it’s certainly great but the strategy where it dominated was with Flocculasaurus and Dusicyon, which both got altered. It doesn’t offer enough on the battlefield these days and the 1HP monsters often die off without doing much. Aurodragon has its place and is worthy of A tier but S- seems a stretch when I look at the monsters in that tier.
Tenebris moves from C → D in PvP, not viable at all in top level PvP.

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hey,kd .I found that your mythic order is very different from our version