🏆 Neo Monsters tier list (see first post) 🏆

Really in honest you would use and it once it’s only killer move betray and then the front team will get the jocodragon imo I feel it’s just not that good it can get killed easily but most of the time it will only get one kill and die

That’s why I think it’s a A tier mon but then again let’s see how the PVP seen goes

The only combo I can think of is to become food for blood moves once it uses betray

You could kill an enemy and make a permanent semi deadweight on their team although they get stun protection because of it.So its not really a good move to use if you are using stun.But he’s definitely s+ tier se because of its “poor man’s” version of mermaids hex.
The advantages with using him is he can kill an enemy while create a semi deadweight to create a 3 v 4 interms of aggression.
It’s also good because of its ability to remove itself when it’s stunned too much
The disadvantage is you can’t use it’s dead weight move if you use stun
It can mess up your team after it’s gone to the enemy team because of its knockback next.
You also can’t use any disruption moves like repulse with it.(but that’s also an advantage tho)

Not everything needs aggression. Its primary use is stun protection. Gravity field is an incredibly useful passive and it has a far upgraded version of stun absorber. Honestly, the fact it has an instant kill move is surprising on a SE. After we’ve used it a bit we’ll have a better judge of its power but it could potentially see lots of use in PvP going forward.

Giving an stun absorber to opponent might be a good option we can make the battle 2v4 if opponent too has a stun absorber.

Well my judgement is gonna happen on the PVP day



We recently had updates to version 2.18 and 2.19 which you can see here. This post will cover the movements with regards to these changes. There’s quite a few so I’ll just cover the highlights and the movements.

Deathgazer has been, once again, been turned more into a sweeper. Now we can’t get a second entrance but we’ve got more power so it’s a legitimately good monster on the battlefield in the end-game.
Toxic entrance passives now don’t trigger in the first 100s of a battle. This doesn’t do much to poison except stop front line combos for fast aggression right away.
All RAW moves had their TU set to normal TU. Previously this happened to blood moves but now it has come to all the others, even ones that don’t deal damage. A bunch of monsters have been affected by this and the two instances of raw stealth actually became standard stealth instead.
Sleep and curse length was reduced from 320s to 300s.


These are only with respect to the changes in version 2.18 and 2.19. Let’s start with the most contraversial ones…

The big three:
Dusicyon moves from S+ → S in PvP, while incredible controversial with the moveset changes I believe this is an excellent stun absorber and still the best monster shop choice. It offers a great deal of support now while being easier to kill and not having aggression. Overall, much more balanced and the shields still do their job which makes it among the top monsters for PvP.
Flocculasaurus moves from C → F in general and S+ → B in PvP, this one definitely got nerfed enormously. It now has very little worthwhile for PvE. In PvP the entrance is great and slayerbane is still decent but there are many monsters which offer more, especially if you build around them, so it’s gone down to the middle tier.
Goldtail moves from S+ → A in general and B → D in PvP, purify is a lovely addition and opens up some sleep combos for PvP but the nerf to potent sleep here is brutal and in general makes it worse than the standard sleepers.

Asmodia moves from S → S- in PvP, the only monster I’m moving due to the toxic entrance restriction since she no longer has toxic+roaring entrance + whip which really enabled front line poison.
Kuromasa moves from C → F in PvP, doubling the TU on throw really powers it down in PvP but you can somewhat get around this in PvE where being fast isn’t as crucial.

Jack-o’-scorp moves from A → B in PvP, slowing down poison eater hurts a lot.
Scorpiogeist moves from S+ → S- in general and S+ → S in PvP, it’s still great in the end-game and the good speed means it gets its first turn quite well, where it makes a big impact.
Dolphariel moves from D → S in general and E → S- in PvP, with the tweak to last mercy this has hugely upgraded the monster and made it incredible for PvE. The versatility in the moveset on top of two powerful damage moves makes it excellent for many teams.
Chronotitan moves from B → A in general and F → D in PvP, significantly decreasing the time on the SS has made this somewhat viable in PvP and more worth building around.
Nightrider moves from C → B in general, survivor being fast and otherwise a damage increase for the moves helps bring back the old days of Nightrider being worth building around in PvE. Not a huge increase here though because it’s still a little linear and there are plenty of other options that are similar.
Tridrakhan moves from F → B in general and F → B in PvP, an enormous upgrade here with the powerful triple poison eater.
Tridrakhan (s) moves from E → S- in general and A → S- in PvP, 50TU link poison eater was lovely but it almost always needed two uses to kill whereas 160TU link triple poison eater one-shots easily if two targets are poisoned so this not only has a crazy secret skill but a huge sweeping payoff for using it with poison.

Super epics:
Equimaris moves from S- → A in general and S- → B in PvP, 70TU stealth is a huge downgrade.
Blazebones moves from S+ → S in general and S → S- in PvP, 30TU raw overwatch was crucial for its power, even if it was a bit silly how quick it was. 70TU makes it die much more easily.
Nefariodon moves from S- → S in general, while the change removed the powerful combo with Cynthia it’s generally made Nefariodon stronger. It can now set up and kill things without extra hoops to jump through but still synergises well with mark monsters.

Niloxov (s) moves from A → B in general


@Killerdog I think Hanzowolf should be placed in D(PvP)
that revenge is good for ap lock teams but you need to build around him a lot
He isn’t that good on his own in PvP

I disagree. Petrify revenge with protect teammates is incredibly powerful and it’s excellent setup for raw or true hit. As soon as the rockoid is created, the enemy team is slowed down considerably. I don’t think it’s as strong as Skeleviathan though

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But there’s a huge difference between Skele and Hanzowolf
Skele can kill two of ur mons after 300TU
but Hanzowolf won’t be able to much except assistance spam(he sets up assistance from his revenge but I think people will keep it for true hit+raw spam)
Skele is also tanky
I don’t think Hanzowolf should be higher than C
You will have to build around him
If you lock ur opponent with protector at some point u will be forced to kill Skele
But I think you can leave Hanzowolf for the entire game!?

The Data shows that the people still love to use Flocca at the 5 slot this past PvP.

The tier list is FAKE NEWS!

Sure… Floccu was 1st most used monster in 5th slot from 23rd-28th season. Then it dropped to 7th and this time was 3rd. To be honest, they’re probably using it to counter Leogeist, Padrinorca and Spectrefox (s) that are super common in front lines (it counters the fox with finishing snap). Words I used to describe Floccu were “great” and “decent” and it’s no surprise if people are going to run it they pick the 5th spot so it has a chance to appear on the report for that category. Still, I know you’ll take whatever you can get to criticise with, even if it’s as small as this



Valentine’s Day came late but, boy, the new monsters don’t disappoint! Some really useful super epics here too. Let’s break them down!


These are done in order of release with mythics, legendaries then super epics, etc…

Oni Botan-Douji goes in at B for general, B for PvP and second form Tier 1, with excessive force and link you’re grounded Botan-Douji can tear through many enemies at rapid speed then have a blood move for anything without hold ground. Don’t be fooled by the massive defence, there is a cap, but it does make her far more awkward to kill quickly. Slayer stun looks great too for control in some scenarios. Between that and link you’re grounded she can probably do something impactful on every turn. Ultimately she’s a good link fire sweeper.

Batgirl Gremoris goes in at S for general, S- for PvP and second form Tier 1, with high speed, high defence, hold ground and dreamy entrance you can guarantee some great value when this hits the field. It combos with Onigeist beautifully for sleep lock but more than anything else you want to play this mid-game to try and regain control of a battle by putting 2+ enemies to sleep at high speed. Ideally you retake control like this, grab a kill using a monster put to hold ground then get your teammates sweeping with invoke. If the enemy team can’t deal with her first they’ll be punished hard by quell. She’s a bit clunky with the damage damage dealing (you can’t deal damage without removing your control, all 160TU) and she does very poorly against protectors but quell makes her so hard to ignore in most battles and the initial impact should more than make up for any awkwardness.

Treecthur Oakthulhu (s) goes in at B for general and E for PvP, with all the double target moves from Oakthulhu switched to single target this loses a lot of its power. Poison siphon is a balanced move but when that’s the main thing shiny Oak is offering until survivor it’s lacklustre compared to other monsters out there (it two-shots everything). There are still some good bits of Oak like the SS and the passives but getting a stronger AoE doesn’t make up for what is lost here. Basically use this only if you’re desperate for a shadow auto-poison monster.

ninjaw Hanzowolf goes in at S- for general and A for PvP, with petrify revenge and protect teammates this is yet another powerful counter to raw that sets up your own raw. While it’s low speed, it makes up for that by being able to clone itself so the opponent cannot ignore it unless they want multiple useless rocks on the field. Alpha strike is practically impossible to use and to be honest you’ll probably never use assassinate or switch places with any impact either. What this is all about is setting up a rock lock and it does that pretty well. In PvE you can keep skipping and avoid ever killing the rocks so you can get into a loop where you always have Hanzo protecting and another next in line. It’s not guaranteed to get into that state but once you do it’s an almost guaranteed win.

FFY Garden fairy sunflower goes in at A for general and S for PvP, with tanky stats, no killer weaknesses and a passive that punishes the opponent for killing its teammates this is super annoying to deal with. This pretty much has to be killed first unless you want to be punished hard by the moves and passive. By the looks of it, the fellow garden fairies will be able to heal it up repeatedly, both giving access to the powerful moves and making it a nightmare to kill due to hardened carapace. We’ll have to see how this works out with the other garden fairies but people are already finding it to be a powerful monster in PvP. Due to the tanking and healing I think garden fairies may be very strong in PvE too.

manticore Mantiferno goes in at A for general and B for PvP, with piercing sweeping on humanoids and accelerate entrance this is the true waifu killer. Low speed and defence prevents it from simply obliterating them but for some PvE battles this will be incredible and, depending what the future holds, this may become an important sweeper for PvP. Man-eater deals 1000 piercing damage when not critical so can be used to pick up kills or otherwise Mantiferno uses mark for piercing kills which can additionally bypass protectors. The versatility in sweeping here is great and the SS is adding to that. Don’t get too hyped up though… it does still die very easily.

ghostfur Spectrefox (s) goes in at S for general and S for PvP, with haunt, stun absorber and purify all this is single-handedly the most support potential I think we’ve ever seen on a SE. Theoretically it can protect you from sleep, poison and stun. If used in the front line it tends to protect the first half of your team, or even more, from stun due to how reliably it comes back. This is undoubtedly great stun protection for all players who don’t otherwise have good options in their collection. It also doubles as a very effective sweeper in many PvP battles. However, it does still get stunned out of play and make the battle a 4v3 so it gives up effectiveness for reliability. I’ve seen lots of players using other stun absorbers in their team behind this. DO NOT do this because you will get punished hard by stun. Either have some give turn or backstab to make things work better. In practice, in high level PvP this is not amazing because it will get stunned out of play or killed so it goes next in line then the team gets stunned.

Funnyd Jocodragon goes in at S+ for general and S+ for PvP, with gravity field, stun martyr and high speed + knockback next this shuts down a bunch of strategies your opponent might be playing in PvP. Scale breaker and sendback next are a bit more situational but can be good. Betray is the big money here… guaranteed kill on an enemy then they get a Jocodragon that can’t use betray in return. This means you can fairly easily keep gravity field going on for much of the battle and if the opponent is using a stun absorber you can carefully keep them both out of play without triggering stun martyr. I think this is the more top level competitive of the two SE stun absorbers we’ve got here and with proper building around Jocodragon is very strong. It’s also brilliant in PvE where you can give the enemy team a monster they’re stuck with forever.

oarfur Atlanteon (s) goes in at S for general and S+ for PvP, with dreamy entrance and high speed + stealthy entrance + sneak attack this can kill+disable two enemies pretty quickly. Higher attack stat than the regular Atlanteon makes kinslayer one-shot everything except tanky fire monsters and sneak attack not have any trouble killing. The two link moves here are exceptionally strong for a SE, both being low TU. This looks like a top notch SE for link fire that should be very popular.

gentleo Gentleowl goes in at D for general and A for PvP, with a waifu support move and silly artwork this is clearly intended as a meme monster. This is decent support if you’ve got a few waifu around it in the team, being decent defence and 70TU give turn. Without waifu this counters sleep nicely or every 130TU can make something easy to kill. I don’t think that will be viable at all in stronger teams so this is primarily waifu support which is fairly niche.

romano Romanoid goes in notable monsters for PvP. 6 cost is a little steep for a special rock and may not seem worth it at first. However, what this monster ultimately does is protect your team from sleep. In the last 6-9 months we’ve seen a huge rise in the counters to sleep as well as more powerful sleep monsters (shiny Atlanteon above is a perfect example). Romanoid is a nice cheap tool to help protect any team that might be weak to sleep and could be a good Lemon counter for those players who want that.


Mainly some shifting down of mythics and legendaries in the PvP tier lists. I’ve separated out the things moving up in this update to highlight them with a bit more focus.

Things moving up:
Aethereon moves from D → A in PvP, far better as very reliable stun protection than I gave it credit for (I normally give these a boost but I almost completely focused on its slightly lacklustre moveset). Slamming this in the front half of your team creates a big hurdle for your opponent to overcome if they want to stun you and the support it offers you until double drain survivor is perfectly fine.
Nagandia moves from E → A in general and F → A in PvP, this has had buff after buff and has now become incredibly strong. What kept this low for me was the low damage on wrecking ball but turns out this secretly got a 1.5x damage buff in an update so it now easily one-shots everything. 100TU petrify is very strong, especially with raw, and the decent speed with stealth+shield on entrance makes the low defence not an issue at all. Daunt+ or petrify as well as the option to remove a teammate with 50TU protector conversion (which also charges petrify) is seriously good flexibility. I expect to see this a lot more in mid-games and not simply as a FL combo enabler.
Rocolossus moves from S- → S in general
Pandamonium moves from A → S in general, while it requires being poisoned to do the sleep lock it’s exceptionally powerful to spam exhausting sleep and the tanky body with no killer weaknesses works very well in PvE. It can even stun enemies immune to sleep.
Regalion moves from A → S in PvP
Motordragon moves from B → A in PvP, mainly to do with the secret skill. Otherwise you’re better off using Tinker, Voodoom or building around Lunartic.
Prismpaw moves from C → B in PvP, really not too bad due to the good speed and damage that one-shots mythics. Especially nice with Polaboss.
Terragar moves from C → A in PvP, great in FL to set up other monsters, protect you from OoO and deal decent damage at pretty high speed.
Tinkerclaus moves from C → B in PvP
Cyclozar (s) moves from D → B in PvP, atrocious without targets but 160TU piercing sweeping is pretty decent and it can remove itself if needed.
Vinegazer moves from B → S in general, very good went built around fully even if it’s not as good as Purpie and more complicated to use.
Chamilizard moves from S- → S in PvP, an excellent link earth sweeper with 100TU piercing practically guaranteed one-shot. Knocked down to S only because it has a link requirement and needs extra rocks from teammates.
Flutterdrake lotus moves from A → S- in PvP

Mythics going down:
Satomi moves from S → S- in PvP
Voidress moves from S- → C in PvP, eclipse is great but we’ve got a bunch of options for backstab now that are less restricted by their moveset. She also gets countered super hard by repulse.
Harleking moves from A → B in PvP, great in the end-game but can be a little clunky if the opponent is in control at the time.
Lilithia moves from A → D in PvP, time will tell but I think too often you’ll be stuck without an impactful move to use.
Onyxia moves from A → B in PvP, dies too easily.
Tyrfina moves from A → C in PvP, slightly clunky and with one kill doesn’t one-shot other mythics.
Dragulus moves from B → C in PvP, a lack of targets makes this suffer and the 1-kill bloodthirst is not quite reliable enough for high level play.
Ankara moves from S- → B in general and C → D in PvP
Persephia moves from C → E in PvP, unfortunately way too clunky and relies on having a kill too much considering throw next is not the most powerful.

Legendaries going down:
Revenarchion moves from S+ → S in general, it’s S+ when used with revival strategies but otherwise simply very good.
Atlantyrant moves from B → C in general and A → B in PvP, the damage is just slightly too low to one-shot without both targets being poisoned.
Centaureon moves from B → C in general
Ultimadragon moves from B → C in general
Midasdragon moves from C → D in general
Noxdragon moves from C → D in general and C → D in PvP
Dolphreeze moves from S+ → S in PvP, against some teams it can be a little lacklustre.
Geomagnus moves from S+ → S in PvP, a number of good backstab options now and it isn’t quite as fast and reliable to get going as it needs to be for S+.
Cyclozar moves from S → A in PvP, with things shifting more towards monsters not having killer weaknesses or having high enough defence that killer moves don’t one-shot I think this is trending towards A tier.
Nulltron moves from S → S- in PvP
Stratustrike moves from S → A in PvP, while exceptionally powerful when built around correctly, it’s a tricky one to play with and my quote of “anything X or above can perform as S+ when used in the right team” should be applied more strictly here.
Lunartic moves from S- → A in PvP, similar to Stratu above, it’s a little more challenging to build around and play with than other monsters.
Tagosenshi moves from S- → A in PvP
Terrordragon moves from A → B in PvP
Ankoudragon moves from B → C in PvP
Emeraldont moves from C → D in PvP
Cryokaizer/Sanctallion move from D → E in PvP
Lavaronix (s) moves from E → F in PvP

Super epics going down:
Bitterbeast moves from S → S- in PvP
Abyssoldier Feryvast moves from S- → A in general
Alphagear moves from S- → A in general
Zephyrox moves from S- → A in general
Abyssoldier Hill moves from S- → B in PvP
Flutterdrake daffodil moves from S- → A in PvP


How dare u shame the mighty geomagnus like this?

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I would have put it lower than that tbf

I may be late to the party, but Gentleowl is my spirit monster. Got to be kind to the goddesses after all.


Is Gentleowl the new simp pride icon? :face_with_monocle:


Gentleowl is the one. Even during the times of hate and jealousy, he showed up and offered his hand to help all the Goddesses and stand with them against the hate.
we all should be like Gentleowl. We all should learn from this example and be kind to all monsters and eachother.

also Gentleowl is best super epic. X tier. Broken. Cant be stopped. if u said it is wrong, u are dumb. #GentleowlBestSe

Kind to all monsters​:smirk: the devs specifically added female category in the humanoid type :joy:

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