🏆 Neo Monsters tier list (see first post) 🏆



We recently had an update to version 2.48 which you can see here. This post will cover the movements with regards to these changes.

We got a huge overhaul to the movesets of many 0-3 star monsters. Since this tier list doesn’t cover them properly unless they can see late-game play I’ll quickly list some which look strong early on:
Jabbit has faststrike, a great one-shot move.
Beowolf has 98% speed with confident strike.
Charcalynx has 85% speed with flame eater and bloodcrave.
Skullhoof has stealthbane, potentially useful before getting SEs with this.

Otherwise, here’s the usual list of notable changes that didn’t result in movements:
Nagandia got a significant daunt buff, yet another buff since its release. I hope I start seeing people actually use it because it’s brilliant in both the front line and mid-game.
Deviladus got a nice TU reduction to the moves but it’s still at the bottom I think because what it offers compared to other mythics isn’t enough. Bloodbite + HG was good 5 years ago but we’ve gone beyond that and death comes isn’t something worth building around either. If this monster had a +20% speed increase I think it would be pretty exciting but without a buff like that it’s not moving up.
Milgon got a nice buff to its marking but I’ve already been quite generous with its positions.
Viridrexus having the SS time restriction removed makes it a really interesting choice for PvE in poison-heavy battles or for UC to counter Maggatsuoh FLs / cheaters with poison teams.
Xanacorn got a speed increase but weirdly a nerf to stun pulse. Overall very minor difference.
Zomboid got the very necessary toning down and the most important bit is it cannot be triggered by teammates, which stops some of the very nasty combo potential.
Parasardon had knockback changed to repulse which unfortunately nerfs Purpie setups even further.


The changes below are only with respect to the changes in version 2.48. Apart from two quick HP boost tier changes.

Nyx moves from A → S in HP boost, forgot to increase this when it got a defence buff.
Voidress moves from D → A in HP boost, forgot to increase this when it got man-eater and rocketed up the tier list.

Brynhildr moves from D → B in PvP and second form tier 2 → 3, the removal of the solo restriction here is huge, making it miles easier to play in teams. All moves being low TU is also cool for making them more worthwhile versus ragnarok. I’m definitely going to give this a try and get a better idea of where exactly it should be placed but I think it probably caps out at B tier due to the speed.

Noircyon moves from E → D in PvP, requiring link and having low speed has always been the thing holding this back in the tier list. Through various buffs it’s become a really good monster on the battlefield. It should very consistently kill every 100TU and can remove dead weight. It just doesn’t have a really big draw to it, low TU sweeping or something like that which when you stack on top of that the link requirement I can’t justify moving this higher. Just bear in mind it’s a good monster when it’s in link shadow even if the tier doesn’t reflect that.

Mechangelion moves from C → S- in general, F → B in PvP and second form tier 1 → 2, the buff here was enormous and has made it one of the best support options, especially for PvE. Purifying rain and nemesis annihilate are insane moves. It will still struggle to get a kill in some match-ups but spamming purifying rain really doesn’t seem like a problem. I am tempted to put this even higher in the tier list but am holding back for now. It’s potentially a top stun protection choice, especially considering there is no killer weakness.

Akane moves from second form tier 1 → 2

Nightingale moves from F → A in general, rescuing dual give turn has insanely low TU now and has cool combo potential with Nyx. I also forgot to move this up in PvE after it got double nightmare strike. This can take out buffed enemies nicely while being very tanky and offering good support. It’s a solid inclusion for many PvE teams.

Raidkong moves from C → B in PvP, with immobilising grasp pushing back by so much, this can create a dead weight enemy and turn Raidkong into a backstab target.

Heavenswyrm (s) moves from E → B in general and F → C in PvP, this embarrassment of a monster has finally become the link monster it should’ve been all along!

Garden fairy gloria moves from F → D in general and D → C in PvP, this got a huge overhaul which has left vigor attack boost+ a bit pointless and now to non-revenge enemies you should use g.f. floral curse. However, 200s isn’t too long to wait so for G.F. teams this is an interesting sweeper. That said, it’s still restricted/slow that other monsters seem better.

Sir. Lancerat moves from A → B in general and S+ → S in PvP, thankfully the broken move was made properly balanced. It now works more like Deathgazer at the back of a team. Importantly it can always fall back on 200TU (100+100) piercing sweeping. This may go back to S+ after I’ve seen it a bit to get a better idea.

Cyclophina moves from C → B in general and A → S in PvP, becoming demon type was a great buff, but also odd breaker deals significantly more damage than I realised in the last buff. It now gets easy piercing kills in 100TU or less, often negating revenges, more than half the time and placed in the end-game it lines up quite a lot… all while being super tanky. It’s a great monster now!

Spikiestblaze moves from B → S- in general and B → A in PvP, super low TU moves make this a pretty decent tanky stun absorber for general use.

basilisk Saphireon becomes notable in general, dethrone (120TU) and 98% speed might come up in some specific PvE battles.

deathwizardholywizard Felimancer and Meowzard become notable in general, the buffs give these the defence cap and obviously then these tank super well with HP boost but I doubt these can have any impact in PvP. Instead they’re a cool thing for PvE for early-game players or perhaps later on with some form of OoO setup.

wallmonster Blockadus becomes notable for both general and PvP as well as worthy of consideration for HP boost, with auto-protect, hold ground and full defence this is a surprisingly good choice as a 5-cost protector. If HP boosted it will tank almost as well as a legendary. When it gets a turn it can stealth or sendback a teammate at very reasonable TU or make itself even more of a tank.