The version notes (2024)
Version 2.44 (January 2024)
(Not noted below)
- Changed some displays of text to make them clearer, typically adding a backing colour behind numbers. Also, made the “New” text for monsters you don’t own larger.
- Introduced a bunch of bugs, subsequently fixed.
Version 2.44.1 (January 2024)
Bug fixes from 2.44
- Fixed a bug where HP boosted monsters blocked access to PvP.
- Fixed a bug where Fyrielle’s skills could not be viewed in a battle (gave boss skills message).
- Fixed a bug with raw skills (and similar ones requiring no protector teammate) getting blocked when you have fewer than four monsters on the battlefield.
- Fixed a bug with buff icons not displaying correctly (appearing when they shouldn’t, not appearing when they should), for PvP only so far and will be for PvE next update.
- Fixed a bug with Leira showing that it had auto-poison while in a battle, which also had some unexpected effects (not just a visual bug).
Other changes
- Reset everyone’s ELO in PvP, to deal with some problems that had occurred on the top end.
Version 2.45 (February 2024)
(Not noted below)
- The changes to Stormloch and Shadowhunter are actually to their shiny versions (sleep immunity for Stormloch (s) and stun immunity for Shadowhunter (s)).
- Increased the standard number of training points from 99 to 100.
- Changed the animation of stealthbane moves to make it unique.
- Changed the animation of exile and oust to be more fitting (now it looks like it checks all monsters then selects the one on highest/lowest TU to kill).
- Switched the position of some moves on the final forms of the monsters that has their lower form movesets changed. E.g. Bovolcus and Atrahasis had 3rd and 4th moves swapped position.
- Fixed a bug with karma chain where the monster dying through any means will trigger the karma chain (revenge negated, kill granted to Trimaegus). Now it only triggers when the monster gets a kill.
- Fixed the bug with buff icons not displaying correctly for PvE.
- Changed the AI for Djinzar to use the wish moves properly rather than spam uncharged bloodfury until a teammate is on high TU for give turn wish.
- Fixed a bug with 2nd form Abyssoldier Breaker (Fishsoldier Olivine) with its attacks piercing when they shouldn’t.
Version 2.46 (April 2024)
Egg banner visual design, before and after:
(Not noted below)
- Egg banners were redesigned (see above).
- Fyrielle’s second form also got a TU reduction on guardian demise.
- Various minor UI changes have happened across the board, e.g. for some devices certain texts, like the loading text, will display smaller.
- The “speed up” button is no longer visible at the start of a battle when enemies are dropping into position. This means it’s not possible to toggle it to speed up the dropping in animation.
- There are now two egg banners on each of the usual days they release (Monday, Wednesday, Friday), so they can cycle through the limited mythics faster. The number of limited legendaries featured has dropped from 3 to 2 with seemingly no adjustment to their drop rate. Festivals typically feature more legendaries (similar to before).
- Having the secret skill on a shared monster will no longer sort it behind monsters with their secret skill off in the selection screen (this happened for non-friends, resulting in a huge skew towards monsters without SS getting picked far more).
- Added a new visual effect for Doomgoo’s spear of despair.
Version 2.47 (April 2024)
New PvP system:
New standard background on menu screens:
(Not noted below)
- Changed guaranteed kills moves to immediately kill enemies rather than at end of turn, resulting in the timing of some effect changing. For example, if you use blight bomb with Maggatoid and have an auto-poison monster enter from behind the newly entering enemy monsters will not be poisoned.
- Added more sound effects to monsters. For example, bird noises for bird monsters.
Version 2.48 (May 2024)
New background screens:
(Not noted below)
- New background for evolution and friend request screens (shown above).
- The “randomness of active random skills” referred to in the in-game notes is for moves like sleep roulette or sudden death where it can hit both sides of the battlefield and was always 50:50 between the two even when one side had fewer remaining monsters. This change was to make them work more intuitively. It doesn’t change much, but sleep roulette+ on Majorie got a buff from this because now it’s 4/7 chance of hitting the enemy team.
- Meowzard and Felimancer had their stats very slightly adjusted (increased) so needed re-training to max their stats again.
- Most island monsters got a basic attack turned into a common move with a critical condition and/or a passive added. However, Meowzard and Felimancer got more of an overhaul to turn them into a pair that work together.
- The Ldiefaeth speed increase from 49 → 50% was to stop it from being one of the best monsters to combine with Nyx.
Version 2.49 (July 2024)
(Not noted below)
- The cost changes are mostly increasing the PvP meta monsters to +3 for their secret skill and reducing the cost of underused legendaries.
- More of the online screens now have the classic borders removed.
- Many new background artworks are being used for monster egg backgrounds.
VIP system and "Limited Sale" shop
- VIP points are 1 point per paid gem bought.
- I will soon be covering the VIP system numbers and details in KD’s Egg Hatching & Gems guide
- Egg tickets are effectively worth 4 gems each, but only usable on gold eggs (i.e. great for awakening standard pool mythics and getting super epics / legendaries that are unique to this egg).
- The sales shown below are the initial ones seen, to serve as an example of what was on offer at this time.
VIP and egg tickets:
Non-daily sales:
Daily sales (Monday - Sunday):
Version 2.50 (September 2024)
The safe code:
(Not noted below)
- Pontibear also had stealthbane changed to link double stealthbane.
- It’s actually shiny Heavenshorn that got changed, NOT the normal version (the monsterdex number in the official notes is correct but they didn’t list it as shiny in the name).
- Clicking on the monster on the profile screen now causes it to do its attack animation.
- The game engine version was upgraded, enabling the better graphics, which resulted in some visual oddities in devices running older OS versions.
- Exocross had its face colouring changed: eyes blue → red and mouth+tongue blue → pink: see here
- Exocross had its icon changed to show the whole head rather than zoomed in on the face.
Version 2.50.7 (September 2024)
- Various minor updates were made to attempt to fix all the visual issues for older OS versions. In particular things like: pixelated icons, monsters body part elements being out of place, differently shaded parts of the screen and other similar problems.
HP boost system overhaul
Explanation: (see thread for full discussion)
HP boost gave more advantage in PvP than intended, while being something that players could not catch up on in any way. This is particularly problematic for spenders who could pay a lot to get a strong monster collection but still be at a disadvantage. Therefore, everyone has been given the chance to catch up and they’ve made it as cheap as possible (1 gem = 1 ore) so it’s not as much of a paywall for new players as it could be.
To pay respect to the players who put in the effort to accumulate the ores each day they added a new set of bonus rewards for consistently doing the daily missions, with all players automatically having any daily missions they had completed already counting towards the total.
Version 2.51 (October 2024)
List view before and after:
New visual of the rare gold egg screen:
PvP records from 5 recent seasons go from current on the left to 4 seasons back on the right:
(Not noted below)
- AI change for Vineye, Moji and Musharoo so they sacrifice themselves by default rather than only if teammates need to be healed. This is to avoid them being easily abused in PvE to create permanent dead weight.
- Players can now infinitely do Kinship battles for monsters completed to lvl 120 in MBQ (with lvl 111-120 buff and 8k exp), so that it’s not possible for players to theoretically run out of battles to do daily missions.
- Link/Vigor Slayerbane All was renamed to Link/Vigor Outrage to avoid the confusion between the low damage of slayerbane moves but very high damage of the link/vigor versions.
- The pop up message windows in battles no longer have a black background on the whole screen, so you can still see the battle.
- The rare gold egg screen was updated with new artwork and removing the borders, see above (like they are slowly doing everywhere to give a modernised look to the game).
- All the older monsters have finally been added to MBQ, so going forward we only need the new monsters added (the six Pupupa were the last ones, added in this update).
9th anniversary (October 22nd)
Anniversary Festival eggs details
We got 12 anniversary festival eggs, each with every 10th pack guaranteed mythic. Two of which had new a new mythic and legendary in. The other featured mythics were all originally 1.5+ years before this anniversary.
Guaranteed mythic paid egg
These are separated by element, with it featuring every mythic that’s not in the standard pool or shop-only. Akane is in the water egg because there were “too many shadow mythics and she is wearing a swimsuit” - quote from VKC.
All anniversary festival eggs
These are the 12 anniversary festival eggs. The eggs with new monsters lasted over a week but the others were the usual 7 days long. This means there was some overlap between many of these eggs as they came out on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays over the 12 days (Friday - Wednesday) but the earlier ones ended before the later ones started. Even the egg featuring the new monsters at the start ended before the last options arrived.
Note also that all featured mythics were originally released 1.5+ years before this anniversary.
Gem sales
We got the usual 12 days of double gems sales, but also one-time deals in the “limited sale” shop added this year.
Version 2.51.1 (November 2024)
- Added recent indecent waifu to the NSFW filter.
The following fixes may only have been for PvP:
- Fixed a bug with Woolala (new mythic) not triggering overwatch or removing mark with its unique skill’s damage.
- Fixed Isoldelle’s stats boost not stacking for each kill of a teammate.
- Fixed Mojignis’ hold ground aspect of relentless will not triggering.
Version 2.52 (November 2024)
Not noted below:
- Added new animation for certain moves (e.g. faststrike).
- One of the bug fixes was Jeanne d’Arc’s defensive assault move bypassing protectors.
- Removed the number of new friend points gained from showing each time you visit the friend chest screen.
- Introduced a bug where the number of ingredients you own is no longer shown, which was fixed in the next couple of days.
Version 2.53 (December 2024)
Not noted below:
- Added new background to the monster skills page (see above).