Need help with my PvP line up


i’m not so good in pvp, maybe i won one of three battles in master league.

i’ve read the threats about pvp strategys, but i haven’t many OM arks. so i hope you can help me.

i have every catchable ark and from the OM arks i have Vortexor, Osiriswyrm, Snowja, Subzeratops, Gigarock and Terrorfish.

my line up:

  1. Vortexor

  2. Osiriswyrm

  3. Raioh

  4. Chopperbug

  5. Gremknight

  6. Typhonwyrm

  7. Arkwing

  8. Snowja

  9. Barricadus

  10. Magmawyrm

  11. Omegawyrm

  12. Halopard

  13. Angelon

  14. Subzeratops

  15. Gigarock

so, what are you thinking?

thanks for your help and answers!

I don’t like Gigarock’s placement at the last of the team because if someone has any earth ark there, Gigarock will be useless at that spot. From your experience, does subzeratops guardian make Gigarock able to use last stand?

I willput grem at 6th and move typhonwyrm up to 5th so germ will be next to Arkwing. Hasted Arkwing is great besides grem will still be useful at 6th if your first 3 get banished.

I will also switch Halo to 11 and Omega to 12. Halo will be able to boost both Magma and Omega and this should help boost Omega’s vengeance.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Gigarock as last certainly isn’t useless. It has last stand.

I would switch raioh with subzero tops, and put chopper bug at the third spot. That way if they get knocked back gigarock can catapult, or magma/typhon can throw(one throw from magma can OHKO gigarock). I would also just replace barricadus with some thing better.

I understand that Gigarock has last stand. But from my experience, my Gigarock sometimes end up doing nothing because opponent has earth arks. Besides, Gigarock’s last stand only damage 1 ark which might not be that reliable :slight_smile:

With how his setup is, I’m assuming he’d use guardian with subzeratops/no guard, guaranteeing it’d die. The other two would sacrifice themselves so that he’d almost be guaranteed to be alone. That on top of who’s not going to kill omega unless it’s stunned for a while nearly guarantees his gigarock would end up alone.

Gigarocks last stand isn’t powerful enough to rely on it doesn’t 1 hit powerful arks. Xeno thrust is a lot more powerful but then the tu will leave you waiting to die. I’ve just took giga out of my team he was pretty useless in my opinion. I also run magmawyrm and volcawolf near the end and a lot of people will use magma so giga won’t last to long anyway

Saul u don’t use him right then, my gigarock has beaten far better teams because of last stand. If u haste him and reinforce him with Halopard then u got ur self a tank :wink: basically a 30 TU OHKO move, and even magma’s throw move only chips away half it’s health.

Yeah he definitely is good at surviving and I was running him next to halopard. Like I said for me he didn’t work in my team so I removed him however he is powerful but just don’t try to rely on him

I do :stuck_out_tongue: he’s my only reason why I win