PvP lineup help

Can anyone help me change up my team for the better ? My team is alright and gets me some wins but when it comes to battling kami or shadow stalker I seem to struggle . My lineup in order is

Gremknight S
Arkwing S
Raioh S
Chopperbug A
Roidguard S
Angelon B
Octoneer S
Triphoon S
Magmawyrm E
Typhonwyrm E
Nilomoth B
Omegawyrm C
Don Penguini S
Halopard S
Gigarock S

I don’t think Don fits in this team. You already have magma Typhon and Gigarock who can utilize the drones. Don on his own isn’t strong.

Can you list PvP-worthy arks that you have on the bench?

I lost to you earlier , and I have
Titanwyrm , barricadus , luxknight , shadowlance , plasmorex , snowja , dread wolf , necrodrake , pyro viper , Anubis , raptorex , basically most of the catchable arks , mostly no om :confused:

I would put snowja where don is, it can eliminate kamis xeno move, for a little anyways…

Plasmorex is a good ark. May be replace ark wing with Plasmorex and put ark wing where don is??