Need help for restore

Hi, i need help with something. I just press accidentally the button to generate a restore code… and i got my code, but was that… an accident. That was 2-3 weeks ago and i still playing on that device and i got some progress and now i need to format my iphone to install the new Neo Monsters version.

So, my question is, when i press to generate a code again i just realize that not change… its the same code. That means its the same backup and i will lose all my progress? if the answer is yes i will stop playing, because i just got 2 new legendary monsters and that will sucks if the will gone.

I think the button to generate code need to get a confirmation question, captcha or something.

Need help with this, please reply.

Send an e-mail to or try to contact Neo Monsters through Facebook. They will help you there with your problem.

If you haven’t used it you still can. And they just made it so you can get your restore code even if you have used it in the update.

I wondered about the same question… does restore file that they back up automatically update every time your game is saved? 

If you got an answer, please share. 

I think that when you transfer it just moves your save file so if you transfer as long as you save you should be fine.

So… just write down your restore code somewhere and don’t have to worry about smashing your phone or something… 

There is no way to restore more than once in a year, right? What happens if someone broke two phones in a year? or broke one and upgrade one same year? Wait for one year and come back and play? 

I believe that once a year was removed with this update

I just send a message on Facebook and they told me i can use the same code and will work fine. I dont use my code yet, so i can’t share my experience.

Seems like they save ur game on that code everytime u play.

Thanks everyone for comment, and help me. :wink:

It backs up automatically when you view any online content of the game.

I just broke my iPad so what do I need to do to use my account on another device?

I did exactly the same thing but when I transferred to my upgraded phone everything turned out fine and my progress was completely up to date so you have nothing to worry about.
I’ve got 12 legendaries as well so would have been gutted!

How do I get a restore code?

Go to community

If you cannot even open the app in your iPad, you need to msg devs in Facebook with your friend id or Apple ID.

Done it. Thanks


hi i hope you can help me, I can not get my account neo monster my cell step you something and tube that formatiar and delete everything and had taken a screenshot to recovery code and also I delete that help me plis !!! !!!

I forgot my restore code and the game wont let me go online, meaning that I cant generate one. any suggestions?

For starters or if u tryna use another device… Please write ure code somewhere or so and keep it save! U can use it up to 10 times a year.