Want to re-use my Restore code

Hi, this is my first post.

I recently reinstalled neo monsters on my android tablet. I have my previous playthrough’s restore code.

When i used this code, it was restoring my save when my network (slow) was disconnected. I got a msg saying that either my restore code was incorrect or there was a network error.

When I tried to use the code again, i got a msg saying the restore code was used up for the year and to contact shopsupport@zigzagame.net to restore again. I contacted them but have not received a reply for 48 hours. Can someone help?

REMOVE the restore code from you post!
Someone may sabotage your account ,if they want to after Support renews the code.

First thing is don’t show us your restore code as anyone can use it. Second try contacting neo monsters on facebook

Thanks. Removed the code.

it will take 3-4 days maximum.so you have to wait. they will reply through gmail about the restoration of the code

Problem resolve… thanks