Need feedback, please vote! Viewing Other Players' Line-ups.

Please vote and/or comment if you have further feedback.

I think it’s a great idea! However if it was me I would structure it so teams 1&2 are viewable while 3&4 are still hidden. This lets people share their teams while still holding back on a super secret strategic line up if they want. :smirk:

It’s a good idea overall I think. It might lead to pvp becoming the same few teams over and over again with people just copying, but I don’t think people will be able to look at a team and build a direct counter to it because of this.

I’m for it.

Maybe only one team

I really believe if this is going to happen, there should be an option to have your team visible or not. I feel like it will take a lot away from the animosity and creativity in team building and strategy. Some people will always wonder what someone else may be using, and I think the option of not letting everyone know is good. I think enough strategy gets shared on the rate/team building forum that we really don’t need everyone checking out what everyone else is using. Part of the game is figuring out a way that your monsters can succeed.

And it definitely should not be in the pvp section at all.

This is my biggest worry. If you found a way to circumvent this I’m all for it.

If it is for PVP teams, I am gonna shrink my friend list.

It’s ok I will let you all see my team and give it your best shot lol. But I all serious I agree we should not be able to see the pvp teams it just takes that point way

Rather than this, I’d like to see that those materials will no longer occupy our farms from next update. We should vote for that feature.

would show party in slot 1 work?

I think is a really good idea but i think you should give us the opportunity to traid as well that would be super cool :slight_smile:

I agree with this, allows some degree of competitiveness at least

it’s a nice idea… but just “nice to have”. its not a neccesity for anyone… people can share / show their monsters amongst friends in other ways… although maybe less convenient.

if this takes a lot of time development-wise then it is surely not worth it to create such a system unless you add additional features like being able to challenge that player to a 1on1 battle or to fight his team that is controlled by AI or any other formof additional feature you can come up with.

just viewing someone else’s team in itself adds some value but does not weigh against the cost of development time that could be spent on more vital things for the game :

  1. new chapters

  2. new online missions

  3. PVP & PVP features (ability to choose to fight your friends just for fun (no points , no limit on number of tries and ofcourse no actual in-game rewards)

4. “golden egg fixes” (This one especially cause there’s a lot of complaints on them) mainly revise how your legendary roll system works would help… dont force people to get dupes for example… +1 is seconds but feels nothing compared to getting a new one. Maybe adjust the chances on a legendary in some way… dont know there’s plenty of stuff you can think about. at least give people value for their money spent when they buy gems rather than praying for a chance for it to happen.

  1. new event types - the new event types are fun, I think most people in the community would agree so continue down that road and increase the frequency of them. try to keep your coding generic so you can re-use them. also try to come up with events which are fun in itself and you can “activate at any given time” - for example the shadow arena is a great event but will cost some testing and tweaking to make the challenge difficult but still doable - The dungeon event however once the difficulty is properly set can be re-started at any given time without too much extra coding & dev time involved (only reward changes etc).

these are just some of the things that would be worth way more spending time on than creating the feature you are speaking of

I voted no first, because I wanna have the possibility to keep some strategies secret. I like this new idea. If you want to show your team, you can. If you have a secret strategy you don’t want others to see, you can hide it as well.

If you don’t want to share anything, you can use that slot for training/ testing teams.

Once we can play pvp against friends, it will be fun to create new teams, especially if your friend can’t see it before starting.

If this is definite to be implemented. How about seeing what mins are in the team but not the actual line up?

Players should be able to see only my monsters book or they would adapt they’r strategy to my team every time.

Or maybe you guys have no plan to make us able to match vs our friends(friend list) like in hearthstone?

I agr

I agree. The +1 bonus is a joke especially when you buy gems

This is fair to me but you guys should add more slots and make us able to copy/paste teams from one slot to another.

If you are not an hardcore player it is a pain to even add little modifies to the team with the risk to forget the *previous* team or the *standard* team you use.

Thx! :smiley:

If you add the new “show slot” you should make it without a monsters number limit to make us able to show how many monsters we wont in the order that we like the most! Thx! :smiley:

That’s what screenshots are for :slight_smile:

Gives the secrecy for top 50 or so.

In my opinion, since this consisting of 16 monster fighting and not everybody have good mons maybe only reveal half of lineup would be help

Really now that pvp is out. I think we should not be able to see them. Make it a lot more fun and nail biting

I hope they don’t let other players see our line up in pvp.

Are we voting for viewing the opponents line-up before a battle or whilst in a battle. I’d definitely prefer it to be in a battle because i sometimes forget that people have created duplicates, summoned minions or maybe Aurodragon has revived one of the defeated monsters.