Most Useless Ark

It literally is a suicide Ark.

Breezling, no offence Kooka…But I can not use those things for the life of me.

Omg i really hate breezlings they are by far the WORST AMONG THE WORST out there, but they are cute though

Destructor .

Lolol. It is slow and gets hit quick ^~^ but it can still do massive damage if placed right

Destructor’s quite fast actually

I would imagine that not fully evolved arks shouldn’t really count. Nobody would probably use one, bar a couple of unique exceptions, in competitive battling. It’s like using a Magikarp in Pokemon and saying it’s terrible, and it is in of itself, but it evolves into a powerful Gyrados (which, well has its flaws but is far better than magikarp). But fully evolved useless arks… it’s like you go out of your way to get it and it STILL SUCKS. LOL

“easier” > “either”

“aerodactyl” > “pterosaur”

Also, Firequeen is probably usually paired with a tank. There was a PvP lineup posted somewhere (by a guy named Takkun?) with Meowzard and Firequeen. Firequeen + Meowzard’s polymorph = screaming

Aerodactyl is a pokemon…

Pterasoar kinda makes me sad. It really looks cool but it… just doesn’t pull through :c

Do the birdies you get at the beginning of the game (Breezehawk/Bluetail) get any use? I never tried using them but yeah.

I didn’t know it was a pokemon. Another user did tease me on it, though. That’s why I corrected it. ^^;

And yes, I know. Pteroling is amazingly cute as well…

Well, breezehawk is pretty fast, but not the fastest. Bluetail… I have no idea.

I have over 100 breezelings in total though. They serve no purpose other than sitting in my bench and looking cute (I’m protecting them from angry hunters who look for hatchlings!)…

Destructor is one of the fastest in the game, it’s very good if placed at the start. It’s almost guaranteed to get hits in that way.

Ist the light version of destructor as fast ?

No. Not at all.

that is both insane and adorable.

Also, what are destructor’s abilities? I’m relatively new to the game so I don’t know everything about those super powerful arks.

Dracobane (whole field), Twilight, No Guard, Xenoslash.

sounds so much like you…

Are you joking?

Bronzeshell, best you can do with it is to summon another monster and hope that it has an attacking move

I personally think bronzeshell is way better than mantisword.

Actually, it does it when ever it wants to, damage or not

Pretty much everything that can heal will do so whenever it wants to if its controlled by the AI