I’ll just put a very slow monster with +0 bonus in my nyx build to protect myself.
Yeah that works, but assume you don’t have a nyx, like the vast majority of the playerbase. How do you solve the issue of the flower taking over the match from 99% speed without drastically weakening your team?
Same as with nyx, I would put 1 very slow monster on the +0 team, for example a protector or a stun absorber.
Your options for them at that speed are jasmine and sherloid
I will use unicera purifying mist
i feel like this could easily be made crazy strong with sendback monsters and entrance passives. sendback monsters are generally quite slow.
im guessing you will be able to make some nasty poison FLs with some toxic entrance mons since poison is also generally a slower monster type skill.
cough Risu cough
Yeah of course 60s is necessary to make it actually function properly.
Huh? How does it punish them more? If they go behind then they’re behind. Whether they’re 10s or 50s behind doesn’t matter much because very few moves are faster than that so your slow monsters will only get one turn either way before they get theirs.
What’s that supposed to do?
you obviously don’t understand what generally means.
Good luck with that
They r definitely gonna release some slow monsters with insane moveset … Probably for anniversary itself , who knows !
Maybe, but then it’s another random fest of whose slowest monsters will move last. There’s gotta be a better way of dealing with FL speed issue than to introduce more randomness as a matching deciding factor.
My guess is that if 2 of these teams face each other, neither will be able to use the move due to the RNG of placement at the start
This is the same for Nyx - Nyx matchups.
Hellish Shreak ingnores Stealth
FL Moku is good
Also the Stun Counter SE has Bronzeshells to disrupt the enemy it has 27 speed
Aegisdragon is usable too
Ya but also I will use that and but the irony is I played 15,16 matches with it but only once my unicera outspeed it. Is this bug or what ?
: After the update!
Your bad luck