💡 Monster Skill/Suggestion Box 💡

That was one of the combos I had in mind :relieved::ok_hand:
No, it doesn’t pierce, it’s damage à la Aggressive Entrance.

Purifying sleep- purifies enemy and has a 60% chance to put them to sleep.

Passive skill concept: Autocast passives

These passives are structured this way:

Autocast: (skill)
When (condition), this monster uses (skill) on (target).

Basically, a skill that passively uses an otherwise active skill, without needing to get a turn or spending any seconds, if a certain condition is met. Examples:

Autocast: Fast Forward
When an ally is stunned over 200sec, this monster uses Fast Forward on the ally with the highest seconds.

Autocast: Poison Gas
Whenever an ally dies, this monster uses Poison Gas

Autocast: Purify All
If all allies are asleep or poisoned, this monster uses Purify All

Autocast: Slayerbane
When this monster is hit by an enemy, this monster uses Slayerbane on the enemy

I think “Autocast” is too vague. It would be very hard to learn the conditions of each of them. However, with clearer wording on that it would work well.

For example, your example passives could be named the following:
1 - Rescuing fast forward
2 - Ally poison gas revenge
3 - Team purify all
4 - Slayerbane skin

Here, “rescuing” is to refer to the 200+ TU that other rescuing moves have as a condition. “Ally” works as X happening to a teammate. “Team” could be for when the condition is on your whole team (e.g. Team stealth regen could be when your whole team has stealth then they heal by 200HP every turn, Team water defence could be when your whole team is water then they get a +25% defence boost). “Skin” is like other skin passives where X happens when the monster is hit.

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Nice idea, much clearer! Calling them like active noves makes them much easier to remember

Mythic Monster

Name: Obsidiegasus
Element: Shadow
Type: Demon
Stats HP: 4.7-4.8k
Stats ATK: 6.2-6.3k
Stats DEF: 4.7-4.8k
Stats SPD: 66%

Active Skills:

Nemesis: This skill hits 1 enemy. It deals critical damage if the target has a skill that makes itself or other monsters immune to stun. This skill ignores hold ground and shield.
TU 136

Dual Slayerbane: This skill hits 2 enemies. It deals critical damage if one or more of the chosen enemies have made at least 1 kill.
TU 85

Steal Turn: This skill hits 1 enemy. Increase the number of second of the target by 100 seconds, and the user will have his turn delayed by the same amount of original seconds the target had. This is not a stun skill. This skill cannot be redirected. This skill cannot be used twice on the same target. This skill cannot be used consecutively.
TU 0
3 uses

Cannibalize end: This skill sacrifices 2 monsters at the end of your team to completely heal and purify your team.
TU 85
2 uses

Secret Skill

Team steal shield: This skill hits 1 enemy. If the target has a shield, the user will steal the shield and apply a shield to itself and teammates. This skill cannot be redirected.
TU 85

Passive Skills:

Anarchy: Until this monster remains in the battlefield any LINK restriction is removed.

Camouflage: This monster is not affected by enemy active skills that affect more than 1 monster unless is alone.

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I really like the “cannibalise end” move and “steal turn” is a very cool concept that would work well with a slightly bigger restriction. Ultimately though, this monster is ridiculously overpowered because it’s got top notch sweeping, control with healing, purifying and shielding the team, too high speed, a powerful defensive passive and a completely broken first passive that would enable ridiculous setups.


Just tried to work out a alert ego for Prismegasus, but yeah I agree on “Anarchy” is probably too strong, but maybe devs can take the good of this monster and make it happen in a different way.

@Killerdog I modified the passive, how do you see it now?

Now it’s a better version of Prismegasus’ linker… except that it also works for the opponent?

Sure it does.

The idea behind this monster is being best counter/supporter for Prismegasus.

Prism is a holy? He is Shadow
Prism angel, he is demon
Prism Def monster? He is attack.

Prism has stealthbreak which counters camo, he has Nemesis which countrer Stun immune.

Prism has Double retreb? He has DSB

Prims has link GT? He has steal turn

Prims has summon minion (creates material), he has canni end (destroy material)

Prism has link shield all, he has steal shield all

Prism is a linker, he has Anarchy

Flaredrake ,dragon with lowest cost in neo And the only dragon type monster u can found in island Expect noxar . I hope they make *6 design for this monster.

Venom Timestrike
Poison masacre (250sec)
Poison attack boost (attack boost + poison gas)
Poison accelerate

Ss : Poison wave 160sec ( stun 100sec ,and poison all enemy [100sec restriction since this monster turn])

Poison radiation (combine between ,poison Revenge, auto poison, and chance toxic entrance)

Mythic first ones. It’s easy because they already have designs for it they could use

Guys is there a holy type monster with Elem Accelerate?


I feel like the time has come for Stun Immune punisher. So many powerful monsters have Stun Immune, and some of them are used simply because they have Stun Immune, and more and more absorbers as well. Stun Immune Punisher would be a great move to have and make a great PvP monster from that one move alone regardless of the other skills.

We need some of this. And not on some big tiddy mythic child nonsense, on some Legends and maybe even a few SEs.

Hmmm despite Stun Immunity being very prevalent I don’t think Stun deserves more support. It’s still an effective strategy with plenty of counters but also enablers. Especially now that we had Ldiefaeth in anniversary that can summon a Time Freeze monster in the enemy team m

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I hear you, it just does somewhat boggle the mind at the plethora of powerful PvP monsters that boast “Stun Immune” as their passive and possess no Killer weaknesses to speak of that would be able to counter them. I mean, legitimately, we can do a roll call and see what these have in common:

Magma guy (you know the one, Berserk Atk and LSBA)
Aquamorais Awakened form
Padrinorca (it’s almost a blessing he has Camoflauged so he can be hit by Stealthbane)
Save space here and just put “All of Sea World”

The list is far longer but these are just off the top of my head, these are all top tier PvP mons and massive threats in their own rights. Do I think that Stun Immunity should be nerfed? Absolutely not. Do I think there should be a better way to deal with Stun Immune monsters outside of happening to have the right Counterstrike Mon? Absolutely.

Most based reply I’ve seen on forum

It’s weak to chrono killer and has stun converter not stun immune

Answered the previous question