Auto Train

Hey guys,

Just wanted to give you a quick look at one of the things we will be adding in the next update (soon!)

We have added auto training so that you no longer have to tap all them cards to level you monsters up!


This feature will be accessible once you reach hero rank 20, and not only does it automatically select cards for you, it also speeds up the game, so you will also be done faster! :wink:

This is just one of the many things we are adding in the next update, so please look forward to it!


Now that’s awesome! Thank you for adding this.


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and plz do faster it

@Dev_BRD you the BEST !!!

@Dev_BRD are you doing a big update this month?
thanks for the hard work btw dev
oh and yes can you implemented search system?
like search bar in edit monster, so you can search like name and specific skill in all monster list.
my brother keep asking me which monster have that skill and this skill
and i believe a lot of player have hard time tracking what monster have specific skill
it also can make arrange monster easier, you just input monster name or skill and voila


@Dev_BRD @Dev_VKC Any chance of getting a claim-all option for rewards. It’s kind of a pain to collect 20+ rewards after finishing an event such as PvP etc. Having a claim-all option would be super useful.

This would be in both the rewards section of the home screen as well as the rewards sections for each event :slight_smile:

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While we are on the topic how do you get training points anyway. Half the month I am sitting with 99 tp and then I get new monster and decide to bulk train them and run out of tp I mean how do you collect them

just play online story chapter 3 first fight and get 10 tp

Any chance to get auto farming too for ingredients?

Balancion trials gives out a lot randomly

What do people think about Auto Farming?

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Would REALLY love it.

Ofcourse make this option unlocked after hero rank XX. Personally after over a year of playing, the training / farming progress became nothing but a boring grinding part of the game. If you can make an auto option for farming as well, it will be so very awesome.

How does this work because I don’t want to turn auto on to find it only used bronze cards. Idea is good and a highly requested one but I personally like to do it once a month ( I bulk train my mons) so just speed up the animations there like in battles. That I would like because I don’t mind training them my self the painfully slow animations and the occasional bug where the character gets stuck and you have to do it all over again

I would be happy if there wasn’t this shiny light that heals the monsters for no reason in the silver mine.
Don’t know about auto farming. It’s nearly the same as buying the ingredients, silver and fruits with tickets. Nothing more to invest.

However please don’t forget to add the skip button for story dialogue.


And if auto farming will be unlocked at hero rank 100 (or 150?), wouldnt it be good? Only players who played this game for months after monthes (and probaly sick of the farming part of the game) will enjoy this.

I would love to not have to push

quick charge
Energy blast
Team turn
Give turn
Energy blast

To farm.

It’s a lot of work

I personally don’t think auto-farming is needed. It’s exactly like GaryOak says, just create a team which can quickly sweep through the monsters in the farming missions (ingredients, fruit, silver and the best exp/ticket battle). People can’t do this until they’ve played for a while but that’s when auto-play would be unlocked anyway.

The actual irritation of farming is going in and out of the map, running along the path and the “boss fight” bit appearing. All together it takes a bit of time and puts people off farming stuff when they don’t actually need it to evolve current monsters.

Personally I don’t think there are any problems with farming. People do it when they need to and outside of that at their own discretion. If you want to reduce the time it takes to burn tickets farming to encourage people to do it more then introduce some extra versions of the farming maps which take more tickets and give more rewards in one go.


The best thing you guys could do to make farming less tedious is to up the capture percentage for HARPS and LAMPS specifically.


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Yea, increase percentage & remove boss battle animation !!!