💡 Monster Skill/Suggestion Box 💡

Myth dope is that a quest or event

No Mythic dupe is not a quest or event.
It means getting another copy of the same mythic monster.
You have an Azida now.
Imagine hatching 3 more Azida(s)
With these 3 extra Azida copies you can awaken Azida to its final form.
Imagine getting a 4th Azida copy now. Instead of Azida you will receive a single 7🌟 ticket.

I didn’t understood what he said so I was silent.
But ye the guy above me said was right.So basically you have to be a very big p2w or play the game for more than 2 years and pray the god of luck to atleast awaken something and getting a 7star ticket



Haha, very lucky! If you get 3 copies of your mythics, you can awake them. If you get a copy of the mythic you already awakened, you get a 7 star ticket

No, I think it wouldn’t work… Think about using a Twilight monster with Delugazar.

[random sleep abilities]

Sleep paralysis (130sec): targets one enemy; stuns the target for 100 seconds and has a 50% chance to put them to sleep

Dream siphon (100sec): targets one enemy; heals the user to full HP if the target is sleeping; does not remove sleep

Coma (150sec, 3 uses): targets one enemy; the target is put to sleep for 300 seconds, but cannot be woken up before 100 seconds; cannot target enemies with sleep immunity or insomnia; can only be used after 250 seconds since the start of the battle

Sleep reflect (passive): if this monster were to be put to sleep, a random enemy monster gains sleep instead

Midnight (passive): if there are no sleeping monsters on the field, a random monster is put to sleep

Iron mattress (passive): this monster cannot take damage while it is asleep

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Sleep Paralysis is a nice move, a bit of Stunstrike+l and a Sleep. There is no 120sec move though, did you mean 130?

Sleep Reflect too, a monster with it could be the ultimate Sleep counter.

Sleep Siphon would go well on a Confident Strike monster, that would instead be a top sleeplock monster.

Midnight sounds hazardous. It’s like Auto Sleep Roulette with a restriction. Spooky.

Coma is too powerful, even for a mythic. 100% Sleep guaranteed for 200sec and without restriction… That’s insane!

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I tried giving Coma a time restriction and a nerf…

Generator execute (300sec); deals critical damage against monsters that have abilities that generate new monsters (clone next, summon swarm, swap for helper, etc); if this monster gains a kill with this ability, it gains another turn

Executioner (passive): all enemy monsters have hold ground; whenever this monster gets a kill, it goes again; this monster cannot have excessive force enabled

Why is there a mythic called x-wings?

Because the Devs decided to release a mythic called X-Wings


They want a copyright infringement from Star Wars.

A move which makes all monsters that die of poison tick will be counted as a kill for the user


That will buff some mons a bit like tago

Revenge effects will trigger though

I’ve proposed that a while ago as well, combined with some extra damaga on poison ticks it would make for quite the passive!

[I don’t know if these are in the game]

Venoshock (160sec): targets 1 enemy; deals critical damage if the target is poisoned; stuns the target for 50 seconds

Waitslayer (100sec): targets one enemy; deals critical damage if the opponent has a skill that requires them to wait (400sec megabomb, team turn, etc)

Death gift (160sec, 3 uses): targets one enemy; the target’s attack is multiplied by 3 times, and the target gains a turn; the target is given a 50 second death sentence

Injection (100sec): targets one teammate; the target loses 50% of their remaining HP, but regains 10% of their max HP each turn until the target leaves the field; cannot be used on teammates with hold ground

Spike field (passive): all monsters entering the field start at 50% of their max HP

Blood prism (passive): this monster can be targeted by teammates; upon receiving damage from a friendly monster, all enemy monsters receive 50% of the damage dealt

Lockdown (passive): skills that do not hurt monsters cannot be used while this monster is on the field; does not affect monsters that CANNOT use an ability that hurts monsters

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Name: H. Y. D. R. A.

Design: a Multiheaded Mechanical Hydra with several heads and Water coursing through its circuits.

Stars: Legendary

Type: Robotic

Element: Water

Stats: Balanced Above Average HP, Attack, Defense, 45% Speed

Hold Ground
Reclamation Protocol - This monster CANNOT be Revived in any way. Each time this monster is dealt damage by a Skill, it is sent to a random slot in your reinforcements and is replaced by a “H.Y.D.R.A. Head.”


  • H.ydration - 100TU - 5 uses - This skill fully heals this monster and applies Stealth to it.
  • Y.our Move - 70TU - 5 uses - This skill targets one enemy monster on the field. That monster has its seconds reduced as close to zero as possible. The monster affected by this skill cannot Skip its turn until it uses a Skill.
  • R.epeated Strike - 50TU - This skill deals more damage for each time “R.epeated Strike” has been used by both players during the match (this count does not reset when this monster leaves the battlefield by “Reclamation Protocol.”)
  • D.evious Dash - 50TU - This skill targets one enemy monster. The next time that monster would get a turn or have its seconds reduced as close to zero as possible through an Activated Skill or Passive Skill, this monster gets a turn 1s before it. Only one enemy may be affected by this skill at a time.

Secret Skill:
-A.pocalypse - 100TU - This skill can only be used after this monster has entered the battlefield 4 times or more. This skill deals lethal damage to all enemies. This skill ignores Hold Ground and Shield.

Name: H.Y.D.R.A. Head

Design: One of the Legendary H.Y.D.R.A.s severed mechanical Heads.

Stars: 3

Type: Robotic

Element: Water

Stats: 1,000 for all stats. 50% Speed

Mechanized Fortitude - If this monster were to be dealt 1,000 or more damage from an attack while at full HP, this monster takes 500 damage instead.


  • Assimilation Protocol - This skill sacrifices the user to summon a “H.Y.D.R.A” from anywhere in your reinforcements to the battlefield. The summoned monster is then fully healed.
  • Destruction Protocol - This skill sacrifices the user to Summon a “H.Y.D.R.A” from anywhere in your reinforcements. This skill counts as a use of “R.epeated Strike”.
  • Zealous Attack - 160TU
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Had to move this here as I posted it in the wrong thread lol

Is a HYDRA head generated if the monster dies from an attack?