Moar pvp stories

Freaking ultimadragon. :wink:

Lol you donā€™t want to kill him but he can kill you

Saul you won that one Iā€™m not really caring anymore so im using a silly team

Yeah I knew as soon as I saw your front lineup it wasnā€™t a proper team

My luck this week in egg roles and such has made me quit the game Iā€™m playing now just for laughs

GG Saul. Iā€™m jealous of that bane!

I like the changes you made for that rematch. Kept forgetting emerald camo. Thought that only worked on ā€œallā€ attacks. Not dual targets

Well played. Thatā€™s the first time I have ever used him and he did really well. Will keep him in instead of warca I think. You just swept to good at the end. I was not expecting you to switch place to bring back in team turner which ruined me lol

Lol I made one mistake there in that combo but it ended up not being that big a deal. Was too into the combo and didnā€™t notice the blitz. Was counting on the Clio to come up next to give turn for the team turn. Let you get a couple mons turns there.

Found this guy with a night night setup, unfortunately I had my bomb thing going and his entire frontline was stun immuneā€¦ But when I knocked back his alphagear and his rider got poisoned, he just quit lol. If only he knewā€¦

That one was a Dc alucard. Got reconnecting message then defeat

GG Saul. I canā€™t believe that roulette hit the zephy :stuck_out_tongue: oh well karma came back to get me in that DC. Second in a row >:(

Wait you got defeat? Me too??

And now Iā€™ve been booted to home screen twice. Seems there are server issues again

Yeah that death roulette annoyed me haha. Yep I got defeat but I havenā€™t lost any points or gained any and hasnā€™t counted as a win so I just lost battle ticket. Did you lose points?

No I didnā€™t lose points either

Server is down DEVs are probably looking at it

Stories? Iā€™ve only got DC stories :smiley:

Haha that was me! I actually quit because I realized that I had queued with the wrong team. I accidentally put my dreadfish up front and just wanted to switch it back :stuck_out_tongue:

Just got my 10 wins (and 2 losses). Donā€™t think iā€™m going for 30 wins, too much of a hastle with the loading screen failing time and time again.

If most people stop playing pvp after getting 10 wins, only a handful of people will get 30 winsā€¦ I would love to get my hands on those pots, but yes, this is killing me.

Blame the loading screens man! For every game I managed to play at least two of them didnā€™t load and send me back to the homescreen. Itā€™s not that I donā€™t want to play 20-40 more games, itā€™s the waiting times in between.

DC Saul? :hushed::hushed:

Im using a poison massacre team, with robinator and lavaronix at the frontline, im from colombia, so i dont think i will be playing with you guys. But if i do tell me please :slight_smile: