Man, what's going on!!!

Start from early evening, with the opponents I met they kept getting incredibly high chance of BAs, and my arks are always one step later than them when jump into the line!

Imagine every ark of the opponent gets two BAs on a regular basis, many of the arks were not even s ranked, on the other hand I had a full s team but I don’t really get it. And when I finally thought it’s a new beginning, all of my arks are behind the opponent’s arks!!! And in fact, my scorpinix has NEVER come before the opponent’s scorpinix at all, not even once!!! So every time I just watched tons of my arks died in a rather ridiculous way!!!
I know it’s all luck based, but I’m mad about my extremely bad luck!!! :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

I hit a small wall as well. Got another DC glitch, causing me to lose my 25 win streak…again. Yeah, those DC losses are annoying.

Then I narrowly lost twice in a row due to cases similar to what you described. Got scrambled, but that normally doesn’t concern me. What did concern me was all of my monsters coming in late and at a terrible time. So it was terrible. The other was a painful, convenient BA run for the opponent. It wasn’t the BABABABABABA type of scenario. It was more of a “you have an important monster that I probably can’t kill…BA x2…” and then repeat over and over.

Yeah that’s pretty much what happened back then…
Also there’s recently a glitch about DC, it just put me back to the pvp screen without any notice, and I lose my winning streak too. It happens a lot more frequently…

That’s happened to me before, yet it hasn’t happened in a while.

Weird stuff, man.

Yeah weird… I encountered that like four times tonight… :stuck_out_tongue:

Imagine the opponent last ark a Omega getting 4 BA’s and kill all my 4 arks…

sigh so frusting

It happened to me tonight too… :frowning:
I wanna cry… Really… Lol

It happened to me last night and again this morning. I have all S ranks and did not get bonus actions while my opponent continually got multiple ones. Lost a match last night when a I knocked the opponents shadowstaljer to the end. It was all they had left until it got 5 bonus actions and successfully used daydream/dreamhunt three times in a row. Maybe it is a feature in the program to let players take care of bullies. :).

Not a very good birthday present for you.

Lololol. Let’s hear it for PvP, everybody!


Aye, true enough. But I don’t mind. As long as it gets fixed at one point.

Was very unlucky when I was playing last night too. Opponent after opponent had crazy amounts of bonus actions. On opponent had almost 30 BA, compared to me with 6. Needless to say I lost. Another had 10 hits right at the start of a game before I even had chance to get one lol, his first ark had the max amount of BA. 

Dev’s need to hurry up with that update


Lol. BAs are almost as funny as watching Twitch play pokemon.

Well now I was just a recipient of a lot of extra multiple bonus actions. My opponent had a very good team and could just sit and watch it be demolished. At least the HI gods still sometime favor me.

Had similar luck, my Opp had Kami as well

When in doubt…sit down, shut up, and pray to the gods for a BA.


Bvs - hey, at least you got some lack in that last run (that last battle was me, bro)

Had you not gotten those nice BA with Omega and Arkwing, or used the evil Stego+Kami+Shadow, I would have won :wink:

…that, and I was playing Skyrim. But still. Told you yer luck would come around…now I just need to wait for mine to show up. >.>

Mods - many of you are my respected friends, and I do value what you do…but don’t give me the standard DoubPos bull. We’re not able to delete our posts, and edits do not notify. Blame the forums, cuz I will not take any reprimanding. Thanks for being logical~

You know what, I think sone guy really does that, because they make every move every 30 seconds lol~^^

Im also having a strange time, sometimes I get around 6 of my arks knocked out before I can make any move. Most of my arks come in way after the opponents arks and sometimes I can’t even make a move.

I would like to just understand how the arks are sent into battle. For example, what does the speed of the ark do? It seems obvious, but the fastest ark does not necessarily goes first.

That is becoming a problem because sometimes I lose battles simply because my incoming arks don’t have a chance to get a turn.
It feels to me that PVP is turning into a major luck based battle and it sucks because I spend time working strategies to counter different teams and it jusy goes down the drain because of things that I can’t even understand.
Im not talking about BAs only.

Every since the OM came out my luck has been terrible!! It really seems like before matches my opponent gets to look at my team and strategically set up his team to counter it, and then decide where he will most need bonus actions and apply them at just the right moment. All of yesterday it seemed every match was perfectly scripted in my opponents favor!!

And those darn scorpionix are really giving me problems

To be fair, I think Scorpionix has really changed the dynamic of PvP (not saying this is a bad thing by the way). My previous team has been dominating 9/10 of my matches for the last few weeks now, but as soon as Scorpionix comes out I found my team struggling a lot more. Not even just because of Scorpionix either as it’s not that hard to take out, but teams haves been changed/rearranged to fit him into their strategies.The lineups seem to be more varied now.