Line Up Suggestions for PvP

You got Terragar and Nightrider? Great!

Personally I would have waited for tomorrow as there’s a festival event beginning with higher hatch rates than now and also some new monsters, which usually are powerful!

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That lineup is pretty vulnerable to stun. There is a big gap between your FL absorber and your next one at slot 10. Having Valz in-between helps a bit but not enough.

Saitama knows his stuff. Listen to him. Jump into PvP. Before you reach rank 100 you’ll be ok. Then it will jump considerably. You’ll be matched against others with unevolved monsters too

This is a double-edged sword. A lot of min-maxers out there using Canis, unevolved mythics and whatnot. Exploiting things a new player could never know, they play like seasoned veterans. Some old players having fun with their noob account.

How do I know this? I made a new account as well (a while back)! But never did that min maxing thing. I wonder how people have patience to do it. Also can see many more nerfs coming to unevolved monsters in the future.

There is absolutely nothing to lose to jump into PvP. It has its own ticket system and a few wins will get you a few gems. Plus with the 100 max cost, there has never been a better time.

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Nothing else to lose except time if you only lose all the matches. My point being you can maximize efficiency by training and/or evolving your monsters to secure those wins.

I wouldn’t discourage him. There are hopefully less cani aoe spammers like me in his bracket lol.

I don’t want to discourage anyone from playing PvP. It’s just that in my view it makes it more fun and rewarding when you are successful with it and to be succesful you need to prioritize a little and evolve a few of your main monsters before just jumping in. This is what gave me the edge over my opponents when I played with my new account, even when they had better monsters than me. Most importantly, I was having a lot of fun!

It’s not time lost. It’s great training at the very least. It’s not all about the rewards.