Let's buff nox!

I feel it’s a bit sad noxar doesn’t have any use. Not even new players use him much. I feel it’s time we made him even half viable. Please change assisted blight to link slayerbane or something. This will help charge bloodthirst and make him a threat to shadow users, changing things up a bit! He deserves better?


I absolutely agree. Also feel like the capturable legend should have been lightning for the first place, due to the many viable lightning monsters available from the starting islands. 2 out of 3 capturable SE are lightning! Link slayerbane or link retribution would be a perfect buff.


I like what I hear :smiling_imp:

I use Nox!! His Assisted dusk is vital to my frontline and it’s a strategy which usually beats most other frontlines. I would LOVE to see him buffed in other ways though. Maybe change the single shot blight (as you said) or accelerate :thinking:

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Urgh I just spent an hour recording a video of me using my Noxdragon to obliterate the 4th bi-weekly mission and fitting music to it but the video file corrupted when I saved it. You’ll have to take my word for it that I easily beat it (killing all 20 monsters) without losing a single one of mine with my line-up of:
Noxdragon (+5), Bitterbeast (+9), Soulstealer (+4) and Zhulong (+4)

This is literally my favourite front line for PvE. Soulstealer keeps the opponent’s monsters controlled by putting a decent number to sleep. Bitterbeast protects them from stun, can offer little hits when needed and lifeflip friend one of the others when required. Zhulong keeps them all stealthed and kills every 94s. Noxdragon is the main killer with the 48s link bloodthirst. First he accelerates then I’ll put something to hold ground with Zhulong before Nox then gets the first kill with the 48s move and from there it’s easy to get a second quickly and begin tearing through their team.

Noxdragon is made for link shadow teams and in the right one he does very well. However, that’s a weird design for a monster which everyone gets way before they can create a strong link shadow team. I would’ve preferred him to be more like Chronozeros, that can work in many different teams. Regardless, don’t go assuming he’s terrible without considering the options for him.

I’d prefer if Noxdragon was a bit more versatile, so more people could use him. It makes sense because we all get him from the islands. However, it would be a great shame if he gets this at the cost of losing his power in a link shadow team.

Give nox kami’s attack boost passive and change assisted blight to desperate stampede

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Lol no way this should happen!! 74% speed monster which can do 4000 damage to all opponents on the first turn and have instant overwatch so it can follow up with a 70TU bloodthirst.

Lol you guys are complaining about something you get for free

Haha no, they complaining about the absence of something worth having free.

There really should be some awesome reward for completing the island campaign. Instead we get Nox which i have literally never put in a single lineup except whales shadow dungeon before i had decent monsters.

I get that this is a money making game for devs, believe me I consider this a business transaction as much as the next guy, but there really should be something great for the in game campaign, like MewTwo for beating the E4.

Something that isnt link dependent. Or if it is link dependent, then something that links with a more common monster than shadow - like someone said above.

And, bare in mind, this monster was “given” to us before the link boost, too.


As if Nox is the fastest monster in game. Well anyway then give it stun immunity then link defense boost all in replacement of assisted blight

Make it a material to evolve an OP egg-hatched monster.

Link Double-Bloodthirst

We are not complaining. Only suggesting. They even remade the starters and Viridi became decent to use in some frontlines after being ■■■■, and even Wolf can get a kill now. Nox is already OK… If you have rare featured dark legends like Killerdog, or awesome dark monsters in general. It makes no sense on him being link dark as the only remotely decent dark monster you are guaranteed to have is Bloodblade… Unless you want to use that OG Black dragon… DREADGAR!!! Bitter can be caught but new players will struggle to get him, not to mention that they normally can only access the mission that gives 15%. So then Nox is supposed to be this link dark guy, only in the game, and you need so many things to make him work…

If Wolf was given slayerbane and Viridi retribution. Why not link slayerbane/retribution for nox?

I’m just saying cus he is no good against boosted (as proven by whales boss fights) so I thought a better way to charge bt to make him a real threat would be decent

nox does have his utility and requires some setup and so in specefic teams its good. but for new players its difficult. nox needs a buff to its damage so the assisted moves do something. maybe we can give him link double bloodthirst 100 tu or 130 tu?

I think it’s a good point how Noxdragon is free. For that reason alone we can’t expect him to be great. People here ARE complaining and saying he has no use, which is not true at all.

For very new players he is a strong monster that can hit all, easily twice because of the overwatch. Once you start building more strategic teams then he gets put on the bench until you have more shadow monsters (maybe quite a few months). He can then be very strong in the right kind of shadow team, so he has end-game value.

I totally get that almost everyone wants him good for that mid-game stage. However, if that makes it overpowered for link teams or ruins the design then I will not be happy. Consider also how by not being good in the mid-game it encourages us to get and play with the other legendaries rather than form our teams around him. Chronozeros is a monster that begins losing its use later on so in some ways Noxdragon works better like that.

Any Noxdragon changes have got to be balanced against a monster like Ashterios. Ash has a faster startup, healing with the blood hits and purify but Noxdragon has the ability to hit multiple targets without saying goodbye to his next turn and has accelerate team which is excellent to have built in to such a fast sweeper. Additionally, Noxdragon has much higher speed which we all know makes a big difference. Right now they are fairly even, with Ashterios maybe being a bit stronger but that’s balanced with the 16 cost versus 14 cost.

Anyway I’m rambling but basically I have a feeling not many of you have given him a proper try. The assisted all move hits very hard in a shadow team… when I used Noxdragon and Zhulong in the front line one PvP I could do assisted all with them both and kill everything on the opponent’s team. Assisted is very strong and if his sweeping move was buffed (which it already was not long ago) I think Noxdragon would start being OP. We don’t want 70TU double sweeping moves in the game or 50TU sweeping moves that can be set up too easily. You guys hate power creep but you’re asking for a free legendary to get buffed, that’s literally the easiest place to encourage a power creep.

Let me correct myself I am not complaining. I have used him and he easily makes it in my Whales team. Instant Overwatch Is a good SS for him in Pvp too. But setting him up often means you have to get at least 1 kill with that first assisted dusk all, which is not that easy with hg monsters around. Having 70 sec link slayerbane would make that task a lot easier without breaking his assisted utility, or his identity.

And you keep on talking about Zhulong, how many ppl even have that? I think you could count them with 2 hands (maybe a little exaggerated but yeah you get the point).

70TU Link slayerbane instead of Assisted hit single could work, but it puts even more heavy reliance on link so not sure if that would make everyone happy.

Sorry for using Zhulong as an example lots. That particular time I was using it because it has identical attack to Nox so basically it’s 2x Nox doing assisted hit all kills everything. It’s tricky to use monsters as examples when talking about a link team without mentioning rare limited legendaries.

Dreadgar and Searex also need a buff. Their current movesets are totally useless.

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How many times did i encounter Nox my last 2 PvPs? I think twice. And poison takes away that instant overwatch.

KD i think you’ve made some here point for them - how do you have an effective link team without some rare limited legends (the water assisted genre exlcluded).

I think Nox shortcomings are representative of the short shortshrift given to the islands in general. The devs could make a very good game even better by adding more content there.

  1. Monsters worth catching for the long haul. Dont buff Nox (or do, i dont care), add a legend of a different element that can actually be found commonly in the islands (ie not dark or holy)

  2. Maybe after becoming champion it unlocks a high caliber SE on each island of that islands element and that new legend on cursed island.

  3. Integrate the PvP champion into the main story by having monthly challengers to you.

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