League system

league system, it is a proposal so that new players do not get disappointed when playing with accounts full of mythics and give an incentive to continue improving, a system of leagues can be made at the beginning ordered by hero rank and there is a number of promotion and relegation places, obviously the advanced leagues will have better rewards, they would be leagues of 150/200 accounts, it is an interesting proposal for the new ones to motivate themselves to improve and not be disappointed if they play with 20 accounts in a row full of mythics, those 150/200 accounts in a row. 200 would play among themselves the same as the ranking, the number of players can be increased depending on the number of players in the game

What do you think of the league system?
  • would improve the game
  • it wouldn’t improve the game
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I think VKC mentioned before that there is already a league system that works behind the scenes. There are 6 of them. I believe once you go up you can’t go back down though.


Hating that system lately lol, I beat some good teams by holy link in my smaller acc and now I’m facing +9 boosted mythic monsters on an acc I have 3 mythics(in 2nd form):cry:

The idea itself is implemented already with the so called ELO system, but it is colliding with a lot of problems. Being the highest, it’s the small playerbase, so matchmaking isn’t always possible with a similar strengthed opponent.

Also the hero rank shows nothing about the ability in PvP. Janne went PVP place 1 with hero rank lower than 200, just an example, and I’m beaten regularly by players that are 100 to 150 hero rank, and mine is more than double.

It seems tricky and the devs worked on it already a lot of times, and still have to improve the matchmaking in the future.

I’m not talking about hero rank leagues, the leagues will be classified first by hero rank but due to promotions and relegations the best accounts regardless of hero rank could be in one category or another

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The rank only influences the cost, in reality the problem with this is not the mythical but the spaces while your rival occupies all of his team you only occupy half (I have seen so many cases of players of lower rank ah 60 facing ah top players)

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something like the rule? If you don’t meet the requirements, you can’t play, so if you’re not rank 100, you won’t be able to access and play in that league? except in the ranking

As others have said, there is already a league system working behind the scenes so I don’t think this is necessary at all. Also, restricting it to X players in each league will probably cause matchmaking problems because the number needs to be very large to get enough active people. If not playing puts you down into lower leagues (as you’d expect with a system like that) then it means any strong players who don’t do much PvP will be facing weak people all the time and crushing them.

Ultimately, if they wanted to encourage competitive PvP play and make it more rank-based with rewards they simply need to increase the rewards from the ranked PvP leaderboard, or introduce rewards based on some kind of ranking during unranked PvP (e.g. you get a reward at the end with how high your ELO is).