Experience Dungeon idea

Hi everybody!

I’m doing this topic for those who want to earn more exp, for include/increase their monsters and to make this “fair” for those newbies and the average players in fact, having the same chances at the events and rankings.

This kind of “Dungeon” works like the original DC.
You start at level one, and you have to face different level monsters at high levels, the more levels you win, the more exp points you can earn. Included at the ultra evolve quest, idk.


  • Example: i start at level one and i win, i earn 500 exp points, i decide to continue with the same HP (as the actually DC) and face the second level, i win and earn 1000 points, successively till i lose and obviously the difficulty is increased at more levels, maybe you earn 8000 points, or 20000, idk, you decide devs.


  • I think cost can be moderated, maybe 20 tickets, more or less.


  • I guess you have to reach certain hero rank for this, for example level 50, don’t know.
  • Rewards agreed to the Hero Rank you are:
    Rank 50-80: till 5k points
    Rank 81-120: till 15k points
    Rank 121-149: till 25k points
  • It can be able once at day leastways, every 8 hours, every sunday, idk, would be this more measured.
  • Limit team cost of 100, 120, 130, etc. agreed to the points rewards for example. So if i’m level 80 or level 145, i got the same chances for earn points.

I think it’s okay not getting rewards like the ultra evolve quest, it is just for farming and getting the same chances at the events, SOTF, DC, UC, ST, SCB and PVP; on those events the most of players have the advantage of the limit cost of their teams, so i guess this is a “fair” way to compete, if you don’t have 30 legends, well at least you have the chance of make a high cost team even if you have few legends, thinking of those unlucky players and newbies.

And obviously for those who want increase their hero rank, currently you have to earn a lot of points to reach one more level, and to wait a week to win an extreme SCB or a eventually Rank up quest it’s boring, wining ingredients that maybe you don’t need it’s meh.

Sometimes players can’t keep fighting at SOTF, DC or UC at higher levels for example, and there are not more able events and you have more tickets to spend but not quests to do, you have to wait for the next SCB or event to spend tickets and earn prizes or exp, so i thinks this is a good way for keep playing every days.

Btw: i only want to suggest this as a option for a hopefully next update, and i want to read all opinions or more suggestions.

Sounds good mate

Good idea