Latest Challenge Survival of the fittest...

Was just wondering…for the latest challenge survival of the fittest…as we scale up the ladder…will the enemy teams stats be buff up as well or will they just be combination of different normal stats monsters ?

As we reach lvl 70 we will slowly start to feel the buff. But it becomes insane only from lvl 140 to 150.

Omg that suxs…That means higher level needs the usual sleeper team inorder to win the match…zZzz

A last biter can also do the job. Last time I reached lvl 150 with Godfeather and the stunbombers

I don’t have the penguin…T_T

It’s really my bad, look like i can’t take a part on blitzdragon again since my save files was corrupted right after update the game

Oh wait…draft event too :frowning:

that sucks man, hopefully your account will get fixed soon

Message the devs for assistance 4alive

could you please tell us how many gems you cost to refill tickets ?

and godfeather win rate?

15, 50%

I used 9 gems and lost around 17 matches, and most of my losses where in between level 140 to 150. How well someone can advance with a last biter depends upon how well he uses the last bite. I have gone like lvl 281 in UC with stunbombers and last bite only. Sotf is not that hard if you have beat the first gatekeeper of UC , then you are capable of defeating sotf.

I had the same problem solved it by reinstalling my game and using my restore code

So the latest event… How the hell do you get anywhere…got 4 wins and still the same rubbish team against manly 4 star or more monsters… Cant do a strategy as your dead so quick

Total rubbish from this event
Omg, my bad… Perhaps i should have realised it was my team for training… Sailing through nowz DOH