Last bitter

Guys anyone know some way to get near legendary field on spin, trying to get last bitter to make this game easyer?

My trick is when the legendary passes, wait 2 seconds and hit start, then after another 2 seconds hit stop. I’ve got two legendaries with this strategy this festival out of 4 rolls.

Tnx Don will try it
Speechless… Tnx Don

Well done, that escalated quickly :wink:

I also got desperate double darkling, which i wanted,tnx once again

You know that it is your luck too right?

Hmm maybe, got 2x epics then, Moby and Strato

Luck isn’t eternal… You’ve got your last biter so you can probably clear the story line pretty easily now. Also got my don as starter and it was such a big help for me because I actually put him with some stun bombers and then he became undefeatable. What also helped me is that I put Dracomander with the stun bombers, he has knock back, so he can knock back the stun absorbers and stun immuners. Then just start stunning after draco dies. Anyway good luck on completing the story and may your last biter help you along it :wink:

pretty sure the wheel is completely random. So yeah, congrats.

Damn luck xD

Tnx guys :slight_smile:


My god, actually you could have got a better one :wink: Cause you already have a last biter. Still a very good assisted grounder though.

How u spin the egg lulz tell me pls

I would say that’s totally not fair, but I got a Rexo recently so I can’t complain.