Killer immunity..

man this monster might be one of the most interestjng and combolicous support monsters. Wow

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What’s his speed? Yeah he is designed to support killer moves and resist them. Helps set up poison sleep and time strikes. I like is SS. That is strong but takes time to set up. My first thoughts was that he wasn’t good but combined nicely he will be very good.

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The fact that it sacrifices itself to TT means it fits atra perfectly. :slight_smile:

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Takes 200 seconds after turn 1 to get there though

I mean you want to use his other skills before to TT, wouldn’t you?

Kinda hard to kill though with it’s resiso. Fairly balanced.

That is true but 0 HG is worrying. I guess I’ll need to see it in use first before I judge it.

That fire legend though can give a turn to the enemy team upon enterance. Utter garbage.

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Lol at the fire legend. What a joke. Hahaha I got it but don’t care Only wanted Angel

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His mechanism looks very comprehensive, but I can’t position what type of team he should be placed on.

Another new up of the anniversary, he will give turn to the opposite pet, which is also very unstable. To be honest, the new up of this year’s anniversary is not as good as before.

After discussing with my members, I found this fire legend very interesting. We already have a certain idea. This is a top monster.

I haven’t even bothered to evolve it yet. It doesn’t look good on paper but I will think about what kind of combos to use it with.

It is easy to prevent by enermy using high speed fl.

I have been using him with carapasca and atra. Damn he is so fun to use. He is pretty much a sobeking/malwing minus being weak against counter/converters.

Edit: Im talking about the fire guy, whitetitan.