Island Challenge Discussion

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Now that looks like it has a lot of power behind it.

i met him twice and i can easily kill him with rabbit & stun bomber

It’s kinda depressing this time.

It’s even more depressing that I “only” have 2 legends, 2 SE and no good low tier mons while other teams already have at least a full legendary frontline at Level 146. So yeah, I can’t advance any further without a better draft. Not only that but since it also gets harder and harder with each new level, just poison touch becomes utterly ridiculous at a certain point.

The redrafting also needs some fine tuning since the only thing that it does (at least in my case so far) is making your next draft “worse” then the one you had before.

Draft the “ultimate team”? Well yeah but HOW?

This event? Not much fun so far. :confused:

Yeah. Annoying when Seaviper can one shot your Armavolt, isn’t it? Or when you meet doomengine at close to level 200.

I mean I have nothing against the challenge itself. It should be hard. But these low time poison touch one shots are just so insanely stupid and nearly impossible to counter. It’s like a plague as a lot of teams consist out of poison mons, since they are the most effective at the start of the challenge but become less and less powerful the more you progress…In the AI team however, it’s a whole different story…

Sobeking is OP

Divine Rage must hit only 1 enemy ! Not 2 enemies

I can say that if you don’t get 300, then it’s your own fault. I started an entire day late this time, and played at a disadvantage for the whole thing, and still reached level 301.

I also got the crappiest draft, and on the first day I did play, I got only to level 50. I actually couldn’t draft a sweeper in the first 3 drafts this time.

IC is the most balanced event, and your performance is entirely based on skill. Not your drafts. You can succeed with any given draft. I think out of all the ICs I have participates in, I have only not reached 300 in 1 of them, and that was because I didn’t put in the effort.

I hate This event. And saying “gitt gud” is just blantly wrong. I litery had a dew people with the same starting setup as I. My monsters do 33/50% dmg while the same monsters AND targets One shot me. Seriously?!

The buff is a Joke and ruins everything. This event is more frustraties than being fun.

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The idea of every pve event is the enemy is buffed… only on game of hordes - instead buff theyre are like 50 monsters.

Enemy is stronger then you, thats why you need certains stratrgies that works, mainly sleep / stun / bombs / death setntences, and combine those well. I dont know what you chose, but if youre losing you didnt choose / build the team right. Even if you saw other people build the same team as well - they didnt do it right either, and have a hard time same as you (their team is only winning against you and seems strong because of buffs).

Thats it.

The buffs make it so you have to try. If it weren’t buffed it would be easy. The AI is so stupid. I was up against a magma, my Oni was at hold ground and I had it protected. The Magma kept trying to finishing snap the oni but getting blocked by protect. For literally 6 turns. A human would have berserk smashed 6 times and wiped out my team. AI has to be buffed.

Island Challenge is a very balanced event that gives everyone a chance to win.

My only complaint It’s just luck of the draw on the teams you encounter. Some guys posted level 300 battles where they drew stunable FLs with no sweepers. I drew 12 straight stun immune FL opponents with sweepers at level 116 and got stuck all afternoon.

Very harsh words from you guys but so true. Without the buff it would be so easy and the event now gives far more stronger (5* and 6*) monsters which can take down buffed opponents. We have the tools, it’s just about carefully using them. The redrafting also takes away some of the RNG which can ruin people’s chances. Most people should hopefully now be able to get to 200+ no problem and to 300 if they’re pretty active plus know what they’re doing. However, with all that said, I do wish there was a little more flexibility in viable strategies for events like this.

Boilertribe I know the feeling! I swear every time I make a team with a protector in the front line I meet people using Robinator. Robin isn’t even any good in IC because assassinate damage drops off terribly and it dies way too easily (minimum health and defence).

Ninjastorm OP in Island Challenge
You’ve always got to grab one of these cloning stun revenge monsters, just for these easy wins. This battle took me AGES to do so I only recorded a couple of sections. Also, take a look at the insane damage being dealt by Emeraldeus at the end!!

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Island Challenge lvl 500
I thought I’d share my team this time to show some of these monsters can take you very far. The team I made was very adaptable and I had to make loads of decisions every match about how exactly the best way to play it was. In this particular match I could use revolutionise twice which made it a comfortable win. In other battles I had to carefully manage to two Onigeist using many soul summons/sacrifices to get a sleep lock on the opponents and use either death sentence all to kill them or ~4 bloodthirsts (had to do this against camouflage enemies). Using soul summon on Ankoudragon was a great way to keep it alive, which I didn’t have to do in this match.

A couple of bits I wanted to point out:

  1. Right at the start the AI loves to target a Blazebones once it’s charged, especially if it is on 1HP. It was a high chance that Titanomoth was going to hit the Blazebones that had already used revolution, which is why I used revolutionise with no. 2 and didn’t use energy blast with no. 4. I gambled that I could use ultraquake and get that second revolutionise off.
  2. At roughly 2:30 I knew that all remaining enemy monsters had stun revenge so I used link death sentence with Ankoudragon rather than eternal revenge because then I could kill one other monster and Ankoudragon would get a turn the instant the cloning monster entered the field.

I also do the same technique with frostbrave too!
But the thing is…since the new updates with the stun stacks…once a monster is stunned, they gain the immunity and that change a lot in my tactic doing the IC.

I have mixed feelings with the new stun updates.
Overall, I think it’s time for a new strategy for me now.

Funny seeing my posts from 5 years ago! The videos I shared aren’t here any more (it must’ve been on the old forum or something). Yes the recent stun change has ruined the 4* stun revenge cloners for Island Challenge. No easy wins from them any more!



