Regarding training session

I dunno if it’s only me but everytime I have to do the training session I spend like 20-30 minutes to evolve a monster. Is it possible to make it faster? I know the first times is really funny to grow your monster but after the 100th time I just wanna train in fast not to waste time. What do you guys think? And @Dev_VKC @Dev_BRD what do you think?


its very irritating giving 60 tp tapping each card nd sometimes in stuck in btw happened to me i was done 50tp it stuck then restart game again 60tp :face_with_head_bandage: needed auto mode

Not auto mode but like a faster way

I would be happy to a faster mode like devs made in battles (3 speeds).

Tbh even auto is fine, i dont mind if it wont give me the highest pissible points as i can try to make manually, i just get bored from training. I had legends in first form for a long time just becauze i was to lazy to train them…

The points barely make a difference anyway.


In Neo Monsters 2 there should be an experience point system to level up monsters like in Pokemon :+1:

No, I think that that is boring and has been done to death.

We will be adding a new feature to our training system in the next update :wink:


Sweet…as in sugared carbonara and bolognese sauce mixed, kind of sweet.

well, i don’t know about that

Thank you sir

Well I guess we all have our flaws. JK you’re too good for this forum and game to insult or mock, though if you want to join Z19 (now called NMA) and learn about this secret recipe you are very welcome to.

Ok reading iSegal’s reply stating “sir,” I feel bad for not doing so, its not a usual thing to do in Germany though, but I can adjust. Ok, I’ll stop rambling on about things that aren’t to anyones interest, but thank you “sir”, training was a pain with these animations taking a good 5 seconds per card played.

What is that?

Its a taste of true Carbonara, Italia, Bona Vita, Mama via, Pasta, ahhh and Z19+NMA