I'd like to apologize

So, I’ve recently hatched Freezecobra. Since everybody is complaining about those speedyfast Poison FLs, I decided to give it a try. They say, “know thine enemy”.
So I tried a basic setup, with Polaboss, Scorpiogeist, Nectareon and A.S. Fokus.

I understand why people run this stuff, it’s not only OP (even Scarleguard+Padrinorca with Searguard in 6th couldn’t do anything to stop the onslaught) but it’s also SATISFYING AS HELL! Mowing down the enemy team in such a rapid succession has something magic to it.

In conclusion, Toxic Entrance is perfectly balanced and doesn’t need any nerfs


That’s a pretty unbiased opinion right there.


Ahhh a poison initiate. Welcome, brother!

We shall walk the path of toxicity together!


Of course, I made sure to be as impartial as possible


Wonderful! Do I need to dox someone?

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Get a Titan and Enjoy the full power :joy:


Face a Glacirion and enjoy it’s full power !!!


“Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?”


why r u using that pumpkin thing ? what does it do

It’s a way to dispose of Nectareon when it becomes useless, plus a way to slow down the enemy. Unfortunately I don’t have enough potions to +9 it :{ it’s slower than I thought.

Btw I decided I’m done with the Poison experience for now… I want to test more stuff before ranked starts.

Oh and GG :b

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Real talk now. I’m running a poison fl, cause let’s face it, it’s the easiest and fastest way to gather gems right now. I cut through teams like a piece of cake. But this satisfaction comes with an honest concern:
I’ve noticed many players have made FLs completely focused on countering fast poison Fls! The problem here is that yes, they counter poison but are kinda useless against any other normal strategy :man_shrugging:t2:. Of course, I get that they face poison very often and think they’ll get more wins that defeats this way. But, is this sane for the game? I mean, I don’t know if these ideas will last only in ruled time, but I don’t think that the level of concern people have taken about facing poison will be any good for the development of the game. They are actually thinking “yes, I’ll probably lose against everything else, but I’ll win against poison which is the most popular thing”
There should be a balance here. Don’t know if you guys have seen it, but they are using 4 or 5 monsters who counter poison all together! ,and still they have troubles.
I’m not asking for a nerf here, but maybe a more viable counter that doesn’t requires that much effort?
I’ve seen a guy running leogeist and that defense whale with double fast strike. This is a good choice (as long as he doesn’t face a poison fl with a AP)
I’ve also seen others running that samurai of fire element at 5th spot (the one with purify all). Great counter, but I haven’t tested it myself so I don’t know if he becomes a dead weight or not🤔

Edit: this is what I’m using to cut teams like a piece of cake
Practically 2 SE, a epic and a legendary


Ogremaster is an underrated monster. I used him a lot in the past couple of seasons. His roaring entrance is very useful against poison teams and he also has insomnia and purifying stealth which counters sleep too.


That was me last rank…we faced up :sweat_smile:
Edit : that said i ran cursed cynthia nef with it anyway

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This rule too. I’ve faced that combination twice now. If it’s not you, then someone else copied you xd

Agreed, that’s the kind of question we should ask ourselves. I think the answer is obviously no: Stun is already a threat that every team has to constantly fear, Sleep is always a looming danger in endgame because of Lemon (the monster), is it fair now that Poison is viable in strategies that require a specific monster or a specific setup to counter?

I’d say no to that.

I am

Yeah Ogremaster is cool. He also has Purifying Stealth, and you can’t just leave him here while you sweep because he has Retribution too. Underrated indeed


Oh…i didn’t ran that during this rule…it costs 4 legend alrdy…so no from the beginning._.

But as far as i remember we might have faced last ranks as well

That describes me for last 3 pvp seasons… idc if I lose against any other team , I just don’t want to be 3 turn wipe for my opponent

The real satisfaction is when these poison teams instant quit after seeing my frontline …topkek moment

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Please share a pic👀


I am getting the glacirion air rn

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