I really want this heavenshorn

I got into the top 3000 without realizing it after thinking I’d never get in but now I wanna keep it that way I’m currently on floor 110 with a score of like 110000 or so how much should I get to be able to get this heavenshorn?
And tell me if you guys need my team

You will have to be in top 3000,and no one can give a number to where the limit will be as it’s diffrent each time

Oh I see well this is my first time trying to be in the top 3000 soo I guess I’ll just have to hoof it

Defeating the first gatekeeper would be more than sufficient.
Level 200.

Hmm I see so what is this gate keeper and how difficult does it tend to be?


That was beautiful but idk if I can beat that I’d have to put a lot of time into a strategy with my team but I’m at 2700 now so st this rate I’d assume I’ll be fine

My brother was at stage 140 and at about 2150th. He was worried he might get pushed out of the top 3000 by the end so I helped him do stage 160 which made him more like 1600th I think.

To be honest I think stage 140 will be a safe 3000th. So try to aim for that :slight_smile:

I still remember the days when 180 landed me solidly in the top 50  :stuck_out_tongue:

Alright I want to get into the 1400 spots and I’m almost there I’m sitting at floor 150 rn but struggling I’m using a stun deck
How fast do you drop exactly?

Well usually you drop faster at the beginning of the event while as long as the event time passes dropping becomes slower
If I were you I would aim at 200, it’s an easy Frontline, stunnable, and you get 5 extra gems! Plus, getting to 200 its a guaranteed top 3000

lol I’ve been at the 1000th spot for like 2 days now :slight_smile:

Dam. I’m grinding away at 351 and that is struggling to stay within top 400.:frowning:

In fairness the best monster for UC back then was rexotyrant, nothing else did any decent damage. It was a LOT harder to get anywhere

For a sec I thought you said the best monster they gave away was rexotyrant. Lol.

The only monster that does any real damage on my team is delugazar. Everyone else only scratches the opponents. As soon as Delugazar does, it’s GG for me.

Warca and bloodthirst are the only ones that work for me. Even Banedragons poison eater takes 3 hits for a kill.

Godfeather was the winner for me. The buffs weren’t very strong then, and when I hatched him, my 3rd legend, a few days before the 2nd UC came around I just crushed it with him. I couldn’t get past the 1st gatekeeper, but still, for the time that was quite an accomplishment, got me my first crown and my +6 Gearcroc :slight_smile:

The thing is, the other bloodthirst monsters I have are very hard to get two kills. Like kamiwyrm dies after scratching like 1 monster.

Nice. Being praying for a Godfeather for a while now. Didn’t get anything in the Xmas pack. Hopefully will get him in the New Years pack.

Ok. Looks like I’m stuck with the level 400 gate keeper. After many attempts and still cannot even reach the final line. What did others do to get past this gate keeper? Does sleep still do 1 hit kills?

After a certain point moves don’t oneshot anymore, you need either Polareon, Emeral or Gear to climb high

I’m just excited to have made a team specific for this event and gotten to 1,000 + this go round. Muahaha!  :ph34r: