I lost my restore code

So while I was doing something I accidentally deleted neo mons and I don’t have the restore code help plsssss

If you know somebody here which is your friend in-game, they can retrieve your friend code and the Devs can do something about it

I am pretty sure I have 1-3 friends and there are not here in the forum

Just ask them

You need to contact the Devs / support. Show them your purchase receipt in the app store along with information like the date you bought the game (if not shown on receipt), the time you last logged in, your number of legendaries and number of mythics (maybe particular details like the number of shards on X), your hero rank, your current progress in Showdown Tower / number of wins in PvP. With all that kind of information it should allow them to identify your account and know for certain that you own it.

Good luck recovering your account. Next time write down your restore code somewhere!

turns out that I am a freaking idiot and did not check my clipboard

So u got na your code from clipboard??

Ya I write a lot of important stuff in my clipboard so ya

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Glad to hear it!