Holy shit my luck finally turned for the good. Two legendary rolls in a matter of minutes. Fuck yes

And I’ll sit here with a flarevern dupe. . .

How many legendary do you have tho? I have a total of 3 now and it’s been after spending hundreds of dollars on this game to get the three I do have. It’s a shame. I almost crashed my car when I landed the festival monster followed by the twin killer blood thirst legend.

I have 4. Spent $0. I shouldn’t be complaining. Great that you got them though! :slight_smile: I have shadowyrm and if you can get him kills he is beast.

I save gems and spend them only on festivals. Special eggs bite.
Festival chance is about 6% for legends while regular eggs are around 2%. That is the difference between 1 in 18 eggs and 1 in 50.

Man, I really need your luck…

I’ve been playing since January. I had an account before that when the game can out that had no legends but I restarted. Best decision I’ve made.