
I’m starting to get so angry lol I’ve spent well over $200 getting gems and I haven’t even got one legendary yet and it’s starting to really put me off the game. I love the game so much but it’s getting hard as I only have a handful of super epics and the rest are just epics and no matter what I do I just can’t seem to roll a legendary. Any tips? Lol
Especially with the whole friend monster thing not working at all I can’t progress in the online part and it’s really starting to drive me crazy

Out of maybe 40-45 eggs I’ve rolled since I started I’ve gotten 6 legendaries. I think it’s random, but I do it the same way every time, like picking the same lottery numbers hoping the same method of consistency will lend itself to better odds. Basically, this is my roll strategy. Spin the egg, start the roll on a legendary, pass a legendary tile, and stop on the next legendary tile. Again, it’s random and I’m sorry you’ve had such terrible time.

Hmm thank you! Maybe if I do something like that it will work, I used to do the same method every time I rolled but didn’t get anything out of that so now I just close my eyes and hope for the best hahaha

The devs are making it so that everyone will be able to get a legend from combining the starter super epics into a legend.

Only roll festival eggs, then have a 1 in 18 chance versus a 1 in 50 chance in special and normal eggs.

Yes but my super epic and epic team aren’t able to beat the boss levels to get the peice you need to Ultra Evolve so I’m screwed basically.

I have only been rolling festival eggs - thank you for the advice though I didn’t know the odds were so different