pretty good dude, i’ve seen the rise and fall of countless strategies , the game has been a part of my school life
No, it’s Wro Rezpector.
On which leaderboard did you expect to see him? He was a great player, but not one who consistently grinded stuff.
Good luck with it! There’s a big hill to climb to get into the top 3. Me, Raghnius and Shikao have been very consistent over the years. I’m a little miffed that it doesn’t count any UC before December 2019, but it makes sense that they only started tracking things at a certain point. I do wonder how much higher mine would be if it counted the first 3.5 years I was playing. We obviously didn’t go as high back then, but I always tried to go as far as I could from when I began playing.
I left the game in 2020 and came back in January 2023. I only played 7 UCs, I have no chance of catching you in the leaderboard , but I will be there in the UCs after this date, Good luck guys
Lava, I dm you in discord about the UC teams
Daniels account is #29 one
Btw I played over 100 games yesterday and Padrinorca almost always one shot HP boosted charypdia with toxic killer (my charypdia vs padri or my padri vs charypdia). I’m saying almost always because I didn’t really test it and I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure toxic killer, at least padrinorca’s, got damage buffed so it no longer takes 2 hits (or a singe RNG hit) to kill HP boosted charypdias.
Just tested it… identical damage compared to before.
Damage multiplier is 0.58.
Damage dealt = 0.58 * 5735 * 5735 / 5850 * 1.5 = 4891
Counting ±10% variance that’s 4402 - 5380
Charybdia’s HP (non-boosted) is 4797 so it’s 59% chance to one-shot, assuming uniform distribution
^ Please be aware that exact numbers are built on certain assumptions and may not be fully correct.
Weird I never failed to kill an hp boosted charypdia, or my opponents, with padrinorca. Maybe it was a big rng day for everyone against charypdia lol
@Dev_VKC Tremorgore’s move seconds don’t decrease for every 3 bonus he has?
I have mine at +0 seconds reduction for a reason.
You want Ambush to be 100tu for Entomb to be charged after you get another turn.
This is similar situation to Akane - where you want to line up her loop.
Those 50tu/100tu restrictions should also be lowered with the bonus.
@Dev_VKC is there a reason the pvp season ends on the 17th? There could be time for a 2nd ranked if it’s ending that early…
Also would you be able to add another section to the legacy pvp reports that show seasons 1-42? If not, you could make a forum post with screenshots of all the past reports
Nah lol