I just got slaughtered by one of the coolest teams I've come across. Care to share some of your PvP stories? (Part 3)

I find that hard to believe since none of the nyx teams I’ve seen from either of you reflect that. I mean, coltraz has been using nyx for almost two years. All of the criticisms I had for coltraz’s team, which I used as an example to explain my thoughts on nyx, could be applied to any of the teams he’s run in the past. Don’t you think he would’ve thought to himself, “maybe I should make an actually good nyx team this time around” at least once in any of those twenty seasons? What you’re saying implies that he could have this level of understanding for nyx and somehow not act on that knowledge for almost two years.

With the team you sent me, the frontline was amazing but the followup was slow acting enough (not necessarily with entrance speeds) that you could easily lose control against strong teams that didn’t get crushed at the beginning. It’s just that your frontline compensated for those weaknesses enough that you didn’t lose for a while. We did a friendly pvp with my frontline that had four +50% speed mons and I swept through everything until I reached your endgame. And yes, you could’ve used OoO and then I probably would’ve lost early on, but that’s not the important part. This is about what happens in situations where your early game isn’t successful. Think about how you couldn’t make a comeback in the midgame once you had lost in the early game even though all four of my mons were fermata’d. Do you know what happened when I faced janne with that same team? I destroyed his frontline in the same way I did yours, except I reached his midgame and then he obliterated me. Most of this was through 2-4 key monsters that are particularly strong when there isn’t enough entrance control to stop them. This is a lot of what I was getting at in my post above. There are specific types of mons that are good with this and a lot of others that are not. Janne’s collection is very well suited for this job, but it’s not like there are only a handful of mythics that can fulfill this role. I would add that janne gets all of this right up until he uses supershell in 8th slot. That’s pretty bad, especially when he isn’t pairing it with a plant mon :skull:

Coltraz already knows the defense buff added a lot for nyx. There’s no way he’s that ignorant about nyx. It removed all of the hard counter fast frontlines he kept losing to last season. Instead of adapting to that, which is certainly feasible and also what janne had done, he complained about it a ton and now the defense buff means he doesn’t need to worry about those types of counters anymore.

His comment also wasn’t that relevant since lemon wasn’t a part of coltraz’s complaints. Lemon was talking about teambuilding with nyx, and I thought it was funny coltraz still wasn’t using any of that advice for his own teams.


Didn’t coltraz complain about HP boost nerf extensively because his nyx was now killable by kattmander? (which I heard got nerfed)

I mean in the future there will be another kattmander like non-piercing critical move will try to kill nyx before she takes her turn and that defense boost absolutely helps.

sad megalodragon noises

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@cantera sorry for desconection, my mom was calling and she stay talking with me :joy:, i try to reconection after but time was over, anyway i was been defeat


It’s cool, looked like a interesting match.

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Ah yes, playing the monster that released in April 2023 for 2 years :duck:

How I build teams:
Almost all of them are to test something. For example, a monster at its best, a strategy etc. Most of my teams push something to the extreme to see how far you can go with something and still have it work. For example, I did this lots with stun protection and it’s how I developed the perspective I have on it.

I awakened Vixen and Nyx in November 2023 and since then I’ve been doing a bunch of teams seeing what they’re like when they’re used in unusual settings. Vixen with beasts, Nyx with high speed monsters, etc. I’ve been able to make high win rate teams with them despite that. My goal is to see if I can make that stuff work and find out exactly what and why they work, to further my understanding. The only failed experiment I’ve had in a long time was the latest season with Soulstealer, because my team construction was wrong for it. The previous season I tried out Helioseer and discovered it really sucks badly but luckily the team still worked.

So don’t expect any of my PvP teams to reflect how to perfectly build a competitive PvP team.

Your lack of understanding over different ways to build teams will your be downfall. The goat should absorb all knowledge, rather than speak so hyperbolically about strategies :stuck_out_tongue:
The team of mine you’re talking about is one that I got multiple 40+ win streaks and the bit just past the FL was tanky monsters with Bastia because it was a huge wall for most teams to face. Your team at the time was a Gorgodrake + auto-poison team that countered my setup and, like you say, it could sweep through my team very nicely because that’s what it was built to do.




Asking ai who the strongest player is lol


These are comments found on forums. I guess this Ai search the internet

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thats scary ngl. ask it about PvE too lol.

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Lol the AI fed you this post almost directly. Apparently DonT89 controls its voice :wink:

Yeah, it just find the comments and tell me :laughing:

Its says the same but with unown at the top lol

@PurpleHeart happy day of cake.

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Happy cake of day!


I have a question. I remember from last anniversary that the offer of double gems in the store was renewed every day, for how many days did this happen? Because the anniversary banners lasted about 14 days, I think I’m asking here so as not to open another thread. Maybe @Coltraz you can help me :joy::joy:

It was 14 days too if I remember correctly. 2 weeks back to back daily 2x gems offers.

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Probably would have lost if zomboid didn’t revive 2 times.


unstoppable force meets unmovable object (two broken monsters that released this year fighting each other)

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