I just got slaughtered by one of the coolest teams I've come across. Care to share some of your PvP stories? (Part 2)

@Nagao gg

yes Bro, this special rule is really bad the epic monsters are useless and because of that many players see the strength of their team reduced if it had been without rule never it would have beaten you

Gg @ItsSherlock , kinda annoying team u have lol

Armageddon 2

DMG DonT89 vs ONE Keets

Clash of titans in the group of death :fire::fire::fire:


Stick videos in the results thread. They’ll get lost here :blush: @DonT89

Can somebody move it there?

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so this cani users managed to go around plum taunt 2 times , killing ldiefaeth and padri for now i said okey it may happen
Then i used prisma voporize

he again used crescendo strike to remove infeni shield naking the 3rd time
I said there is no way plum wont block this time but he manages to bypass for the 4th time here

Killing inferni

Then he used on porpose crescendo to remove plum shiled

Agaim crescendo on brutalax making it 5th

Having no way to counter brutalax he tried a knockback move and it works ! Making it 6times in row plume didnt block anything !!! And you whats your highest ??

what was it @GMagic you moved around my plume who is in fl until the rocks i had summoned with na’tur or something entered before it finaly blocked that shield breaker and died :joy:

So you realize Plumes Auto Taunt is 40% to block an attack so 6 out of 10 times is actually quite accurate.


You plume took that entire match off, didn’t want to do a thing :joy:

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Thats not true , you need 10 try and the 4 last ones he needs to block to say its 40% here he didn’t block anything so its a 0% taunt , and 100% for opponent bypassing , @DMGInterference is good in math he can confirm :relieved:

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It was pretty unlucky, but more usual than you’d expect! You’d expect a monster with Auto Taunt (40% chance) to block 2.4 attacks out of 6 (closer to 2 attacks than to three).

The chance of six attacks in a row avoiding redirection is 4,6656% ≈ 1 in 21 chance. A fluke of luck but not that uncommon :relieved::ok_hand:


Especially with a busted rng algorithm :joy:

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It is true. You put 6 instances of him not blocking with Auto Protect, which he has a 40% chance to block. The fun thing about odds is they only matter in a finite circumstance, eg in your instance he did not block 6 out of 6 attacks so he had a 100% failrate. In my algorithm, he missed 6 out of 10 but may have blocked the next 4, thus justifying his 40% auto Taunt rate. In another example one could say he failed to block 6 attacks, but then blocked the next 14 attacks making the ratio 6/20 that reduces to 3/10 and incurs itself as a 30% block rate. The odds only matter depending the parameters you set on them, and in a nutshell relying on odds to ever be “in your favor” or “predictable” is called a Fools Errand.

You could even compare it to the egg hatching algorithms. 0.004% for a legendary but people complain when they hatch 6 packs and got only one legendary. Well, that’s 60 eggs, so in that batch, 1/60, your odds percentage ebded up being found as 0.0010606 repeating percent. That is indeed bad luck. Take the same batch but make it 3 Legendaries hatched out of 60 eggs, and the fraction becomes 3/60 or 1/20 = 0.005%, actually better odds than what are featured. Odds in general are subjective, simple as that, but to try to predict them in a reliable sense is foolish as, just like life, the only actual constant in Math is change.

And @DMGInterference and I go way back lol. Math is my friend as well.

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Still more posible then sakuralisk (dreamworld) sleep your monster 2 Times in arow :eyes:

And this thing can even sleep at least 5 monster in arow (not including ss)

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It’s true, and he’s posting here about the ~5% chance time that happened but I bet he’s used the monster in 20+ battles without coming to make a post. However, there’s no denying he had bad luck in this battle.

I agree it’s annoying when people look at a small subset of results and complain about bad luck. When I judge my own hatching results I always look at them long-term. In the anniversary I technically had a streak of 6 packs in a row where I got 5 mythics (+1 guaranteed). However, long-term this year I’ve had
12 from 190 packs (ignoring guaranteed mythics from anniversary).


I agree with you on this. Fun case in point is out of the last 5 packs I’ve hatched (50 eggs) I’ve hatched 2 Legendaries. Well 2/50 reduces to 1/25 meaning literally 4%, so odds are adequate with what is advertised. However, I’ve also had 3 Mythics out of those 5 packs, advertised at 1%. At the same time, I hatched, believe it or not, just 2 SE monsters out of those 50 eggs. Odds are a thing but they are inconsistent and especially out of small sample batches like this one I’ve described, it would seem I had extraordinary luck!


The Anniversary Egg with Rexterminator, I opened 8 packs on that egg, 80 eggs, with increased odds mind you, and hatched 1 legendary out of it but tons of SEs.

Things average out over time. Altogether, out of 130 eggs, its still too small sample batch to get a good read out of it. Odds in battles are vastly the same way.


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GG @WRO_RezPecTor that was rlly tough game

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U too, my mistake dbl repulse :rofl:, 2 strong monster come. Ggwp keep going with ur win strike 47 for now 3 more to get 50 :+1: :grin:

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