I couldn't believe it!!!

I just finished the OM and got the vortextor! I’m in poor B and this is like 11 hours after the mission start time! I remember last week somebody have met the same thing, yeah I guess I’m very luck haha XD~~~

Btw where’s everybody on pvp? It’s incredibly quite now, haven’t met anyone for an hour!:frowning:

Congrats!!! I got one as well, liking the possibilities with him. I think all the shadowstalker owners are boycotting pvp since there’s finally a decent counter to the scapegoat stun skin opening move lol. I’ve been finding it difficult to get opponents as well for some reason…

It is possible. So called “10%” & “1%” are calculated in a certain period. Which means if catch the right time by chanced (for example, at the end the OM, the total number of even 1% would be larger), you will be able to get OM ark.~~

Good job~~

This is what I’ve been saying for a while now.
I finished around an hour and a half after it started and the prize was gone (of course that was what I expected), so no problem there.
I was also in pool B, so how come you got and I didn’t?

No one has explained it here before. Even when I was in pool A, I would finish the mission always late so I would not be moved to pool be (never know wheb the egg timing will stop). And a lot of times I saw players claiming they won the prize even after days.
So what’s the deal? Aside from the horrible odd for getting the OM from eggs, now even the pool system is a joke?

No wonder there are no more players in PVP, I would feel it was an extremelly rip off if I couldn’t time eggs.

PvP is nearly (officially) dead. Took me 40 minutes to find a match, which was you, ewertonrodrigo. Good match, but I miss not having to wait, you know, that long and stuff.

Pvp is dead which sucks for relatively new players cause we have no chance of getting kami. And if it’s true that some progress is gonna transfer over to the new game based on how high you made it in pvp we will be at another disadvantage in the new game

I finished in 40 minutes.  I did not get it.  I hate this game.  I keep saying I will quit, but this it.   Goodbye…

Haven’t played Hunter Island for a day or two, but I’ve noticed it being dead at certain times, but pretty active at other times of the day before.

Yep, see you next week.

Not to be a jerk but you’ve been saying this for weeks, almost months. You’re clearly still trying and this cry for attention saying that you’re quitting doesn’t do any good.

I’m sorry I’m harsh but as they say, either quit or stay and deal with it.


There do seem to be random times when PVP is silent, usually around OM times

Maybe it’s based on completion time. If you exceed the time for what is currently the top 1%, you get the OM ark… If not “all prizes have been claimed”. How else can we explain why Jasonology gets it after 11 hrs and another player don’t get it after only 90 minutes?

Hmm… That’s the weird part, because I knew it was way too late so I didn’t rush the dungeon… I searched out every boss fight and even rested a while in between… That should make me finish way later than the 1% right?

Maybe the game like u :slight_smile: it likes me too because I’ve been late to the OMs and have gotten the main prize.

I’ve had this happen to me. I was busy for the terror fish OM and I finished it maybe 3 days later. Ended up getting an S terrorfish somehow, and I took my time like you did.

That’s sweet that you got it so late! But it is also kind of lame. I finished in 45 minutes and all the prizes were gone. I love this game, I have spent over $100 on it and have put in more than 80 hours. It’s stuff like this though that makes the game upsetting. All I hear is the update is coming soon, wait for the update and it will be all good. I really do like this game a lot so it bums me out when I hear the game is dieing out. I don’t know if its Apples fault that update isn’t out yet or if it’s the Devs fault but goddamn they need to do something to get people back into this game. I would gladly spend more money on this game, I don’t want it to just die out and then be gone because that makes me sad.

Just figured out why this happens. Its wont take an update to fix it theoretically. Looking at our server scripts now!

So why did it happen? Lol
Just out of curiousity :stuck_out_tongue:

I was able to scratch out enough time to complete this OM 64 minutes after it began.  I’ve never gotten an OM ark, and this time was no exception.  Barely an hour after the OM started, all prizes were already claimed, even in pool A.

For everyone saying PvP is dead; are you using wifi, 3G, or LTE? I never have to wait more than maybe 2 or 3 minutes for a match. I use LTE btw.