Nightmare (HIRP)

-continuing from where we left off- 

Sasuke: “I would like some time alone guys… I need a good day or so to myself to collect my thoughts and feelings so I’ll be heading out now” 

Mariya: “We understand, take as much time as you need” 

Sasuke: *he walks through the auraport back to Draco’s house* *sigh* *he walks out and then walks into the woods*

Scorch: “Kurama, I don’t need you in sword form anymore” *arrives at the hideout* “Finally we are back, I gotta go get something”

Vulcarex: “Bros, I need some time off as well. Kurama should explain me something really important” *erupts pure magma from his back volcanoes creating a portal. Jumps into it, the portal closes and he finds himself in front of his father Ashura*
“Father! I just want my real brother back! How can I make his reason return and rebel to that reckless guy??”

*In the meanwhile*

Resy’s soul: -Why can’t I interact with the external world?- *looks at herself* -Ah yes, I need some Golden Aura. Before I prevented the Black Aura Crisis, when my family was dead they manifested to the real world enveloped by Golden Aura. I hope to get in contact with other spirits-

Sasuke: *he continues walking past the spot where he fought kurt and zero until he reaches a strange building 2 miles past that spot* “what is this place…” 

Kurama: *in dragon form inside the cave* “he’s arrived, scorch”

Scorch: “I know” *brings out a blade with him* “This is for him”

Ashura: “unfortunately I doubt he’ll ever come back. Now that he knows the truth, hes released the contract seal with me, so now I can’t control him”

Sasuke: *he sees someone come out of the mist* 

Scorch: “Sasuke, I knew you’d be here”

Vulcarex: “Never mind, Father. I’ll use my inner strength!!!” *teleports back to Teignmount"

Bliss: *sees the inscription on a stone just in front of the oak*

also known as
born in
OCTOBER 17th 1996
died in
OCTOBER 1st 2017
as a

“Resist, and you’ll be blessed with affection, friendship and love!” »

*Katelin, Lily and Bliss auraport back on the Earth. Bliss’ Aura marks disappear*

Sasuke: “so this is your hideout I presume… I’m not in a very good mood right now but I do have a question I’d like you to answer. What is it that you want with this world, why are you following plasmorexis who tried to kill us in the past?”

Resy’s Spirit: *follows the scene from above*
-Sasuke please… Don’t try to do harsh things… Remember that whatever Scorch believes, that’s because Lie cursed him!-

???: “He cannot hear even your thoughts if you don’t have the Golden Aura!”

Resy: “Who’s there?”

*Resy turns and sees another spirit, old but so similar to Lily*

Spirit: “I won’t tell you who I am now. Follow me to Sky Teignmouth first”

Resy: “No! I won’t leave the reality world until peace is restored!”

Spirit: “But Sky Teignmouth IS reality! It’s the planet around which Pandora and Cydonia are orbing, but it’s accessible only to souls”

*the two spirits auraport with a flash of Golden Aura which lights the hideout for a little instant*

Scorch: “He only tried to kill you because the Gods told you to, he created you and that is how you thank him…” *turns around and starts walking back into the hideout* “Take the sword, I think you might like it”

Sasuke: *he walks in the hideout with scorch* “I’m intrigued now more than upset, so you’re telling me that he created all of us? I need to see the proof of this or else I won’t buy it, show me everything you have” 

*As soon as Resy and the mysterious spirit arrive to Sky Teignmouth…*

Spirit: “Hey, what is going on??”

*Two entities were having a serious argument*

Truth: “Not now Ulijana! From this depends the future of the Universe…??”

Resy: “Wait wait wait… You are… Ulijana, Lily’s granny? I’m her granddaughter! Or better, I was…”

Ulijana: “And you still are, my dear Resy! It’s also your choice if you want to return, you have still so many things to do in the universe! University, United Nations career… To make yourself a family…”

Truth: “Here I have also to interrupt the fight, because I see that Sasuke is failing your last will”

Resy: “Whaat??”


Sasuke: “…I’m intrigued now more than upset…”


Lie: “And I’m just cursing Scorch for now…”

Resy: “No!! It cannot be!! Sasuke is being controlled by Black Aura!!”

Scorch: “Okay, I wasnt supposed to tell anyone this, but back on the mountain when I was fighting for the sword, I made a promise to Tyson…” *explains everything* “I’m not the bad guy… I’m trying to do the right thing” *punches the wall* “Why can’t anyone figure it out but me!”

Resy: “I’m actually confused by this. Scorch… Seems not to have any Black Aura inside him! What is the reality? Truth! Say something!”

Truth: “Both my sister Lie and I are confused”

Resy: “I know that Scorch killed me, but strangely I don’t feel any hatred towards him, neither towards Sasuke! I FEEL HATRED ONLY TOWARDS CONTRADDICTION!! I NEED TO MAKE THINGS CLEAR!! I don’t want and I never wanted to fight for one side or for another. I just wanted to solve this situation by mediating with diplomacy! I wanted to make things clear among Scorch, Sasuke, Tyson and all the others! I would have wanted also Plasmorexis to join a peaceful debate!” *cries*
*with a whole inner strength, makes a shout which is amplified by the Aurasphere, so that the message could reach every corner of the universe*

Sasuke: “I see, so Tyson was convinced then… Fine” *he puts his hand on scorch’s shoulder* “I will follow you… No longer will I follow the hatred path of the Gods. I will fight for you” *he takes the 2 sharingan eyes off the sword and implants them in his mangekyo sharingan* -no way, can this be… Cousin Shisui’s sharingan eyes? I see so plasmorexis left me this power to also remind me that I will carry along the Uchiha’s will- *his eyes then evolve into the eternal mangekyo sharingan* “I’m ready to serve you, scorch”

Resy: *cries* “Contraddictions… Misunderstandings… THOSE killed me, NOT Scorch! So please, Truth and Lie, stop fighting, or I’ll be restless forever like Tyson’s soul in the Cursed Arena!”

Ulijana: “My great-great-granddaughter is right. She was born under the Zodiac sign of Libra and Ascendant Capricorn. She seeks justice and balance with a lot of ambition. And in this moment you are making her more depressed than Bliss, Katelin and Lily themselves!”

Truth: …
Lie: …

*The two entities dissipate*

Resy: *starts glowing gold*

Ulijana: “Congratulations Resy! You have gained your Golden Aura! Now you can use it to interact with the living world. Go!”

Resy: “I’ll repair all the mistakes I’ve done! I’ll stay some months with Scorch and Sasuke to know their versions of facts, then I’ll hear the opinion of the Gods, then I’ll manifest to some of the survivors and finally to my family and to Bliss. I won’t fail this mission! I LOVE YOU SASUKE, WHATEVER CHOICE YOU MAKE!!”

*Resy auraports to Scorch’s hideout, and starts glowing with Golden Aura in front of the two*

Scorch: “Don’t touch me…” *notices Resy* “I thought I killed you” *his head and hands light up in flames* "

Resy: “Wait Scorch! I’m just a soul now! And no, I don’t feel any hatred towards you even if you killed me, but actually it isn’t you who killed be, but contraddiction and misunderstandings did. I don’t want any more fights in this universe, from now on I will use only diplomacy”
*her Golden Aura starts fading* “Oh no!! What happens? Sasuke, my love! Remember that I’ll love you whatever you choose to be! I won’t have any harsh feeling!!”
*auraports back to Sky Teignmouth*
“Ulijana! Why did I just lose the Golden Aura??”

Ulijana: “That never happened! Golden Aura should be infinite like normal Aura itself!”

Resy: “Maybe I just ended up in a place that has been cursed despite the fact I don’t feel Black Aura in it”

Another spirit: *spawning in front of them* “No Resy! None of this! We all have lost our Golden Aura as well!”

Truth: “Plasmorexis is evil!!!”

Lie: “Gods are evil!!”

Truth: “I hope this is what you make Scorch believe in order to pass the Sword to Bliss!”

Scorch: *the flames stop* “Follow me” *walks out of the hideout and towards one of the towns Tyson blew up*