Hunter island role play part 2

Gray: “sure thing kid” *with amazing speed gray completely counters the position from which ray was going to strike from*

Tyson: “woah… Such speed”

Mariya: “yeah, it’s as if he moved like a lightning bolt”

Ray: “What the…”

Gray: “ray… Your focus and strength are good but what your lacking is creativity in your strikes. You can’t always go straight on into a fight by going through the middle. Choose a combination of striking poses when your attacking the enemy and try to psyche them out and hit your enemy from every direction possible. Now Mariya I want you to show me how powerful your water magic can be.”

Mariya: “okay. Now go water slicer.” *a power water strike in a form of a blade cuts down 2 trees in its path before hitting the third with no effect*

Gray: “remember what I told you earlier. Draw strength from you heart and always fight with your heart wide open into the battle. That is the fundamental key to using powerful magic”

Mariya: “alright I’ll keep trying”

Ray: “Oh, never would of though of that…”

Gray: “tyson follow me. I have a special court set up for you”

Tyson: *walking with gray to the bottom of their house. When a light switch is flicked on it reveals a training course for sword techniques* “woah this place is huge”

Gray: “quite the master piece if I do say so myself. This was left here by the previous owner so I decided to leave this place up and running just in case of a special occasion. Now before we begin please show me your stance with the sword”

Tyson: “okay” *pulls out sword and goes into a fighting stance*

Gray: “very good but just a few things. Extend your reach with the sword, be aware of all your surroundings and finally the most important rule of swordsmanship… Always become one with the sword with your heart and soul and know that you and it will always be there to protect each other in battle”

Tyson: “alright I got it” *begins the training course while gray heads outside to ray*

Gray: “so are you ready for round two?”

Amethyst: *walks down and watches Tyson*

Ray: “Okay” *gets into a stance* “can i use my own magic powers?”

Gray: “of course. However, I will not use my powers on you just to be on the safe side”

Tyson: “damn this training course is no joke. This is my fifth attempt doing this. Everything’s moving so fast”

Mariya: *she keeps on practicing her magic. She manages to cut a third tree down in line but is barely scratching the fourth* “c’mon I have to keep trying”

Ray: *charges up an earth missile and fires it decently fast at Gray*

Gray: -let’s test it’s power then- *it lands a direct hit on gray leaving a few scratches on him* “your magic power is good and your accuracy is incredible however there is lots of room for improvement with your fighting techniques. There is one way to use the current magic power and amplify your techniques. Use martial arts to fire techniques such as that missile. For example use a flying kick to release your missile. The flying kick in motion will give it more speed and momentum towards the target”

Ray: *starts running towards gray then leaps forward transforming into an earth boulder*

Gray: “that’s more like it” *he braces for the impact as the boulder approaches him*

Tyson: “that’s my tenth try… Damn I’m exhausted… Walks back over to amethyst. So how do you think I’m doing?”

Amethyst: “You are definitely improving, you’ll love the surprise tomorrow”

Tyson: “oh man I love surprises. I can’t wait”

Gray: *the boulder impacts with quite a lot of force sending gray back around 4 feet* “nicely done ray.”

Ray: *deforms* “Thanks!”

Amethyst: “Cmon, you can do the obstacle course now” *smiles* “We all know you can”

Tyson: “I’ve gotten to the last stage multiple times. I think I know its movement pattern now” *he gets to the final stage when he remembers what gray taught him so he extended his reach and opened his mind to the surroundings* “I’ve got it” *he slices down the middle of the last obstacle with perfect accuracy* “finally I’ve done it”

Gray: “I’ll be right back. I’m going to get tyson from my basement so I can show you all something special for your hard work”

*five minutes later they’re all standing in the forest where there is a huge plain of trees*

Gray: “so who here would like to see me destroy every tree infront of you at this moment?”

Tyson and Mariya: “woah you can really do that?!”

Amethyst: “Oh he can do way more” 

Ray: "Would I?!

Gray: “not yet ray but by the end of tomorrow you’ll be knocking down trees like they’re just twigs. But I’m gonna need some room for this so please everyone stand back” *everyone is now 2 metres away from gray* “alright. Holy ray!” *multiple light projectiles hit every tree down in one single strike revealing a fantastic view of the town from the mountain top*


Amethyst: “Haha”

Tyson and Mariya: “incredible… That’s the most powerful attack I’ve seen in my life”

Gray: “that wasn’t even my most powerful attack. In fact that was far from my most powerful attack. Let’s just say if I used one of my 3 most powerful attacks the entire half of the mountain in front of you guys would have been demolished.”

Ray: *to Mariya and Tyson* “Now i really wanna know who this guy is”

Amethyst: “well it’s getting late, lets head back”

Ray: *starts walking back*