How to fix legendary finds

So Many of you have known about the whole egg opening sequence to obtain monsters and once and awhile theres an exclusive legendary in the mix and its boosts the chance now I understand as a company you need to make money and for an iphone its pretty fun but as a fan there should be an improvement in getting legendaries with the use of the capture cards.

Lets look back at the day noxdragon was reveal if you dont know noxdragon was a legendary monster that was introduced and provided people with a legendary pretty much anyone could capture that was unique and amazing if the devs are reading this please expand on the idea a bit more that way people have a way to build a team without spending a excess amount of money that may or may not be worth

What are your thoughts about this please share your thoughts about the idea and hopefully we can be able to reach out to the devs and have this change and hopefully give people a fighting chance especially in pvp

Thank you for reading

Sorry but I never spent money buying gems, just saving and rolling at the right festivals. If you’re someone who doesn’t have the luxury of money then better save and roll at the right time and the results will be great.

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mad respect goes out to you man and I can relate though the problem is when it comes to things like pvp people are at a disadvantage and can lead people at a disadvantage

I think with Mythics coming out, the devs may look to release some of the old legends into the exploration islands. Have to wait and see what their plans are


In one year time , you will have good legendaries… don’t worry… just one year. … be patient !! Or even quicker if you run out of patience and spend money !!

Not just me, we had a clan before that composed of players that dont buy gems.

I hope so

Wait really?

Yeahp, not all people playing this game are P2W, some are F2P like me

In the egg pool update going on right now they’re moving Kamiwyrm, Cyrokaizer and Serapheon from the egg pools completely. I have a feeling these will be made freely available to all players through some means. It’s a bit weird they’ve picked two water monsters… would have thought they’d pick a range of elements.

P.S. I am completely free to play and have 67 legendaries. I’ve been playing close to 2.5 years now.

Well that’s good to hear :smiley:

I’ve been f2p since the start of the game save 1 small purchase to finish saving 300 gems for a festival. You don’t have to pay if you don’t want too.