How fast are the legendary team turners?

I was just wondering? I have both my super epic TT at +9 but two times in a row a lavarenix went before both of them by 3 TU. I thought all team turners were the same speed. Just bad luck or are the legend TT faster than I thought?

They are a lot faster
But they are slow enough to not be effected by the speed variable when against super epic team turns

Maybe the devs can slow the teamturners up by so much to get rid of this teamturner issue

So are they slow enough to be affected by the speed variable or are they not? Sorry but Your sentence is a little cryptic to me lochi.

The speed difference is not enough for the SE TT to outsped the legendary TT.

Theyre so fast because they’re
"Legendary" 4% rate *cough #ripwallet

Legends have 32 speed, super epics have 27 speed. Because that difference is less than 6 the speed variable is only affected by the random element and the + bonus. So most of the time lava will go before