Horrorclaw Nerf?

Can someone confirm if horrorclaw had been nerfed so that he does not bring back buffed monsters only their standard stats?

If so, this is very disappointing for UC…

Yeah. Bladecrypt also the same. I think it was a bug at first place, not a feature :wink: so devs corrected it. Rip free gems gatekeepers T_T

Good for me as I have neither and just faced a team with both. Allowed my non-legendary lineup to break lvl 70 \o/ (2nd account on smartphone)

Who said it was a bug? 

With Atrahasis you could revive buffed monsters WAY back before Cryptblade and Horrorclaw were even in the picture. And it was intended to be so, else devs would’ve nerfed that ages ago. 

Well, it’s just my hunch. Ask the devs then if it is indeed intended or not. I don’t have atra.

So atra nerfed too

I think it’s an unintended nerf. They usually put up an announcement when they do a nerf.