Hoardes completion

So um. I thought I completed hoardes but apparently not. Do I seriously have to beat all 5 levels?


Lol what did you think “complete the event” means?


Normally the hardest level. But alas I must suffer

I was thinking along the lines of scb

Master lv is worth to complete. At least get a legend potion.

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Doesnt SCB require completion of all battles as well? :thinking:

I think it used to, but people got confused that they did extreme lvl 1 and didn’t get the achievement. So the Devs changed the trigger to simply be on beating extreme lvl 2 so they could clarify in the achievements…

I havent checked my achievements in a long time

You might be in for a pleasent surprise.

Your second screenshot cracked me up
BTW: I just completed the whole event and the last battle of Master Level was harder than the last battle of Extreme for me.

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Surprise was Inhave 80 gems receivable

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Yeah 16 extreme was fine because you could just stun the protectors to oblivion and then take just one of them out :joy:

What’s master like. I’ve heard before it was harder which is why I skipped it

4 anuses FL. If you use a stun strategy its easy as heck. I tried finish it with my poison team but man these anuses sure dont care about poison

First I thought there was an auto correct issue with your comment but then I realised :smile:

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Well I did it anyway

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4 months into game, No Shiva or atra or Leo or polaboss or aurodragon. Finished with last bite alone !! :grin::grin:


Cheers, same here

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Great effort. :+1:

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