

I’ve been here for a long time, but I just realized:

I’ve never said HELLO!!

So yea…

Like most players here, I’ve played geomon, but I’m probably the newest player on here that started playing it.

So, I hope I have fun in Hunter Island!!

Haha, welcome to the forums, even if you’ve been here for a while! :smiley:

Welcome back to the forum!  Glad to see you back! :slight_smile:

Nice to see all of you again!

What was your geomon name?


Hi, reset, doom, everyone! For a while I haven’t been able to post because I was too lazy to validate my account. :stuck_out_tongue:

Heheh, welcome to the forums Storm!

Hi Storm!!

I was wondering why you weren’t lurking around in this forum!! :slight_smile: