

My  ( User ) Name is Jeannette,

I am an old member of Geomon , in fact I was a moderator there.

I’m hopping on a fun game and to see old friends again from Geomon and I think that will work out fine because I saw alot of old Geomon friends already on this forum.

I hope I can see old friends and make some new.

See you on the game :smiley:

Ahh! It’s Jeannette! Hey man, how’s it going? 

Welcome to the forums!

It’s good to be back with at least some of you guys but I sure miss alot of them.

But it’s always good to make new friends… at least I hope 

There will be enemies/rivals as well…

Yes,this is a real great community,have a good time :slight_smile:

Oh hey Jeannette! Welcome aboard!

Welcome Jeanette!

Be sure to have fun while you’re here!

Well thankyou, can’t wait till the game is released…

Btw im not going to proceed games as Jean

Im going to continue as Colligimus.

Thats Latin for Collecter or Should u ( former geomembers ) want me to keep Jean?

I change usernames so often it’s almost impossible to name all mine. So it’s entirely up to you.

Well idunno i want a cool name that has something to do with collecting but i kind Find à Nice one

Welcome the forums Jeanette hope to see you around more!!

Welcome also to this great community everyone here is nice!!

Also you came at a great time since Hunter Islands COMING out thursday

Hope You Enjoy Your Time Here And the Game

As Much as i enjoy the community 

Welcome to the forums!  Hope you enjoy your stay here.  :)

Hi Jeanette, welcome :slight_smile:

Almost everyone here seems to have come from geomon, it makes me really sad to think I missed out on a great monster collecting game…

Don’t worry, you aren’t the only one that missed out.

Hunter island should fix that void, though

(Yes, yes, I know, shameless plug is shameless…but then again, look where we are ;-))


Your here!

Now who are the mods that are missing…

Is skarner here yet?

Hi jean!! welcome to the forums

I believe Skarner has registered (not sure) but isn’t very active.

Never mind. I just searched it up and it says he isn’t registered.

We are missing a bunch still. Avadon has registered but rarely comes yet, but she will once the game is out.

Skarner, Solex, Stevelard, NotoriousPUG, MerlinDrazziw, Geoschwartz and a couple more I’m forgetting.  But if we release it, they will come. I’m pretty sure sooner or later.  

So the old moderators from Geomon who are already here are :





Am I Right or am I missing a few? 

Ah! Well, Harrymon just signed up yesterday (I think).