Help with chamber of earth Moalith event

Can anyone help me with this chamber, the other ones I have beaten pretty easily but this one is so hard for me because there assisted quake is killing all my monsters, can anyone give me any tips on how to beat this chamber, like what type of skills are effective agaisnt them or something like that!the picture below is the monsters I am usingScreenshot_20200511-194236_Neo Monsters|690x326

Use these 4 mons in FL
Mons with HG and Poison and Stun Revenge that will easily die
Put some stunning entrance mons at #5…then sweep with Time Strike or messecare them…

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Yeah like tanbeer said use poison so stun revenge won’t stun you also use a stun rvenge and apoison revenge yourself so the enemy kills it and they get stunned/poisoned.Use you stun entrance in 5th and also evolve your water worm thing it can clone and has stealth/poison imunity which makes it really strong in pve.

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You can also put those desperate attackers in FL so they get hit and you can use desperate double

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Thank you, @DMGBonanoe and @Tanbeer for helping me out