
Thanks for not just arguing back. Of course the vast majority of people will want the featured to have higher boosted chance or for the 4% / 6.1% rate to be increased. People want more stuff. The only reason I called it greed was because literally 100% of voters said they wanted that when I came to the thread. Fair enough that people think it’s reasonable for the boosted chance to be increased, personally I think it’s fine where it is right now.

What I think would be much better to focus on or ask for:

  1. Pity timers to help people avoid getting very unlucky, important since there are no guarantees. see here for the suggestion I wrote in March 2019 (this includes a timer for whether the legendaries you hatch aren’t the featured, to guarantee a featured)

  2. Some way for free players to realistically awaken mythics. As more of these are added to the game (we’re currently at 37) the divide between free players / mild spenders and the big spenders will grow, or at least there will be a larger proportion of monsters in the game which many players can simply never obtain and use.

Personally I think asking for better odds on featured legendaries is the wrong angle to be taking. Focusing on our access to mythics will be more important looking forward into the future. The game needs some kind of system to help deal with periods of bad luck for people, that’s for sure, but having odds increased will not make people as happy as they think it will. People will still get non-featured monsters and they’ll be angry because they’ll be expecting featured monsters the whole time (to some extent this will be true).