Has the auto-protect rate changed??

More than once I have entered a battle with three auto protects in my line up and a hit has connected with my non-protected monster. I thought auto pro had a 70 percent rate of blocking. With three one the screen. That’s great blocking odds. How can this happen so frequently and recently?

You got unlucky. If happens to everyone.

The chance is 60% not 70%

You didn’t like my robinator did you.

(6/10)^3 is approximately 200/1000 so even with 3 auto protects there is a 1/5 chance of them getting through all of them, which is not actually that low

you should check your math again it should be 2,56 %, might be wrong but in no world it is 20 %.

I might have done the wrong calculation but tbh in don’t know what the right one is then.

40 % * 40 % * 40 % = 2,56 % (40*0.4*0.4*0.4) so it´s very unlikely to pass trough 3 auto protectors.

If there is a 40% chance for you to NOT hit the AutoProtect monster, that’s a 40% x 3 Monsters, so: .4^3 = .064 or a 6.4% chance that an attacking monster will not hit one of your 3 AutoProtectors, ot a 95.6% that they will hit one of them. In other words, ya got pretty unlucky haha.

6.4 + 95.6 =/= 100

I think your math is a wee bit off.

40% chance of getting bypassed-

4/10 * 4/10 * 4/10 = 64/1000 = 0.064

It is indeed a 6.4 percent chance, meaning 93.6 percent chance of getting blocked. That is pretty unlucky.

And if I may ask, what exactly are you doing with 3 auto protectors on your front?

Donte forget to factor in that it has happened multiple times. Aprox 5 times in 20 games. I think that eliminates the “unlucky” theory which made me wonder if the auto protect ratio was lowered.

That kind of luck while is unlikely, is still possible.

I’m more surprised by the amount of math error in this thread. I don’t know how to check the likelihood of a 6.4% proc happening 5 times in 20 games, but yea that’s rather unlucky. I’d say the RNG isn’t screwed, as I’ve been tracking my poison gas proc during the dungeon event, and it hit 201/434 times, which is roughly equal to the 50% I believe the proc rate was believed to be.

Still about 1000x larger probability of me not getting a water pyramid in 25 attempts. But the retards on this forum said that was my fault somehow

You areee nott aloooneee