GT restrictions

Ok here’s the thing, you shouldnt be able to gt to a monster that has gt as well, makes stuff abused (gryphking with another gt) what do you guys think?

And if i wanna give turn to utopion if he get stunned? Or give turn to solariel for purify / risky heal all?

I would agree on not giving turn to a double give turn monster, but other then that it should be allowed

I think that restriction is too harsh. The “problem” bit which needs to be addressed is when monsters can give to 2+ monsters.

I think it should be as follows:

  • Team turn: Cannot be used when other monsters in your current team have a move that can give to 2+ monsters. A monster with team turn cannot be given a turn.
  • Double give turn (and equivalents): Cannot be used when other monsters in your current team have a move that can give to 2+ monsters.
  • Give turn: No restrictions.

These restrictions would avoid any broken combos between monsters that can give turn to multiple monsters, but without ruining them altogether. It was deemed too powerful for someone to give turn to a TT so that restriction is in place but I don’t think we need it for double give turn monsters too since they are either restricted to one-time use or have some other restraint already in place.

Gryphking is the only real problem imo. Just treat him like a TT since that’s what he essentially is, and don’t let him combo with another TT.

You seem to miss the big part of gryphking. Yea you can give turn to him and then he can give turn twice but if he isn’t charged you have to give turn to him to load to then give turn to him again to then use double give turn. People seem to forget that if he is unloaded then he can’t do anything

Well sure, I guess you can gt to gryph, I just don’t want him comboing with another TT.

I don’t get what you mean? Gryphking can’t give turn to a team turn, he is as restricted as every other give turn monster with giving turn to a TT. or are you saying a tt shouldn’t be able to give turn to gryphking?

Imagine if they made a 3D version of this game… what would Give Turn Mortar look like if it was fully animated? I mean how can you shoot something that gives something else a turn out of a mortar? Very abstract idea Devs :thinking:


Don’t give the Devs any ideas

Imagine sweeper, gryph, GT and TT. Sweeper hits, Gryph loads, GT gives to gryph, Double GT to sweeper and the GT, sweeper hits twice, then Team turn and repeat that entire process again. I’m just against the idea of suffering that whole process twice consecutively. Only one fix necessary, and that is lock the TT move if gryph is on the field.

I’m fine with locking tt if gryphking is on field but it shouldn’t be so you can’t give turn to gryphking

You must be forgetting his SS. At +9 gryth can give turn to 2 monster twice in 160 sec. that by itself is game change. They need to not allow no monster with gT to give turn to another gT monster.

So nomo seraph to mida. Or mida to epic gT. Nothing with gT should be able to give to another gT monster

Giving turn to another give turn monster is fine. It’s even okay doing it to a monster which can give 2 turns because they either have a one-time use restriction or they need to load mortar first. (Think about it, you’re left with two monsters that have just used their GT move and a sweeper who’s just attacked - you will get two attacks off but at the cost of all three needing lots of seconds until their next move). I understand why they’d restrict this on TT monsters because it gives access to a faster TT and that’s too overpowered, we need a bit of time to prevent the TT from happening.

The overpowered combos are things like Gryph, GT, TT and sweeper where you load mortar then TT -> sweep -> GT -> sweep -> mortar GT (sweeper and GT) -> sweep -> GT -> sweep then 50s later… instant reload -> mortar GT -> sweep -> GT -> sweep. That’s 6 attacks with the sweeper all in the space of 50s and if you’re lucky enough to have Utopian as the give turn monster plus Delugazar as the sweeper you’re protected from stun and get 12 guaranteed kills. Obviously this is if everything lines up perfectly and requires a collection of good legendaries but as more monsters enter the game with dual give turn moves these kinds of combos will become more accessible. I’ve only twice seen someone use the combo well so far but if I had Gryph I’d definitely give it a go.

What I ask for is simply don’t allow any move which gives turn to 2+ teammates to be used if another teammate has a move that can also give turns to 2+ teammates. That should avoid any unbalanced combos that may crop up.

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  1. Don’t nerf midas anymore. He is good how he is.

  2. Lagodragon, turtle, gryphking, charged geo.

If u pair gryphon with bot than u will understand why i said a gt shouldn’t be able to give turn to another gT. Y’all must forgot how cancer this game was before dev release chron killer monster

That seems a little unfair. There are a few nifty and perfectly reasonable combos you can pull by GTing to another single GT, like switching the turn over to Aegis to get a quick purify then GT to the offense, or just break the other GT’s stun lock. This is still only one turn we’re talking about. There’s simply no way it can be as abusable and cancerous as team turn or double GT. There’s no reason to crack down on those single GT combos because they’re not causing any trouble. It’s when double GT pops up that it truly becomes a problem.

I know what you’re referring to… Gryph gives turn to Botanic and a sweeper, then Botanic loads Gryph so it can give turns 50TU later. Basically you get a sweeper attacking every 50TU, but at the cost of 3 monsters feeding into the combo and doing nothing else. Gryph gets shielded while doing this combo but both Botanic and the sweeper are open to attack. You can have the 4th monster as a protector and you also need stun protection so a standard SE protector is probably a good choice.

This combo can do well getting through lots of monsters if the opponent cannot counter it but it’s a legitimate combo added into the game and very easy to poke holes in. E.g. You pretty much require that exact setup of 4 monsters… if any one is not there or killed it becomes easy to stop. If you see your opponent with both Botanic and Gryph then it’s very obvious what they want to set up so I’d argue in many cases someone can probably avoid the problem altogether.

Yeah, delugazar bloodthirst every 42 TU. Totally balanced.

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It’s honestly not an easy counter. Both gryphon and boy get a shield. Plus ppl keep forgetting gryphon has heal all and bot can shield a monster so you can gt or heal or protect your sweeper and the combo is only 50 sec. 42 if you pot gryphon to +9