Greetings from U.K.

Hey folks.

IGN is Monoman, loving neo monsters so far, hopefully will be in on the PVP beta action which is soon upon us. Looking to find out peoples preferred strategy and which monsters they carry in which order and maybe to get help with better strategy - which combos work which don’t.

friend code is 64905280 (rank 42 so far).

Just thought I would sign up to these forums which look quite neat - see you all in the PVP!

Hi and welcome. The PvP Beta has already started and we’ve been told that everyone who signs up will be admitted in slowly. 

i have a seasteed who stun bombs right away.  If there are stun absorbers, i have a spinoarex which can kill them within 150 seconds.  Once i successfully stun bomb, in comes timestrikers, and bloodcravers.  then healers.  Then some other blood thirst/cravers.  my last 5 people are constantly changing, as i have no strategy for them.  I should probably post a screenshot, but I use forums on my pc.  Anyways,  I’m thinking about a poison line-up for my back, since i recently got a scorpion, and i have an octojungle