
Well it seems that goldtail egg is coming, for us who havent got it yet it is really helpful.
But i think leo and goldtail egg must not come after each other :frowning: spend all gems on leo egg ended having 22 epics and 2 se :frowning:

Well maybe devs want me to spend abit
Do u guys think i should spend or wait till next egg? Bcs anyway (maybe) goldtail egg is not on festival

if you really want goldtail then go for it, if not wait

Obviously Devs want us to spend money. Goldtail is a really good reason to spend and surely a lot of people will spend. This upcoming eggs are really good because of Goldtail, Frostrider that is amazing with Soulstealer, Shinobidragon that is always useful and Wraithcaptain that is a beast in a sleep team. If you have money to spend I would say try open 3 packs. If not open only one.

This time the SCB is also so
Even the second level has so many legendaries with great combinations.

Niiiiiice. My dream comes true. Goldtail and Wraithcaptain in a festival(Jesus Christ is that awesome). Please please please any event or free gems while Sleep Monsters Festival! Please dear Devs. Two festival in a serie is hard there should be a way to get lots of gems in this time as an exception. I want a sleepy brother for my Shadowstalker.

Guys if u want goldtail go catch it on second island

Save your money until the ā€œupdateā€ drops, the more we spend the less they care about releasing fixes.

Also Mist is right got catch it!

I hope u guys are trolling xD

Guys right now for Goldtail is a waste of money, if your Lucky (Really Lucky) you can catch it for free on the 2nd Island.

It takes a lot of time tho, it took me almost 6 days without sleeping or eating

Totally trolling. It doesnā€™t exist.


OK,tbh I want those monsters(leg and SE) but come in devs,shinobi and frost should still be rewards of eventd.
It seems you(devs) are somehow are cheating on us,one by one you are putting great SE on eggs.first blitz and then these and next would be robin or dier!!! Its not a great attitude devs.

F2P Arash

Tbh, they should just stick them permanently in the rare egg.

Yeah,instead of those useless monsters,we should have prize SE on rare too,right now rare eggs arenā€™t very promising. They need completely rework.

F2P Arash

They can hopefully come back next festival. Goldtail was available at Valentineā€™s, thatā€™s only a couple of months back.

Goldtail = Money

Its called gold tail for a reason. They are sitting on boxes of it.

Moneytail Hahaha

Surprised that polareon is not coming back