Getting my saved game back

Okay we’ll my iPhone broke two days ago, during the night so now today I got a new iPhone because I guess they couldn’t take anything off my phone and transfer it or fix what was wrong with it. I was told someone on here maybe an admin or someone would be able to get my saved game back instead of starting over /: if anyone knows that answer I’d like to hear it. Thank you

Yeah, here’s the thing

Unless you backed up your last device to the iCloud and had it turned on, you won’t be able to get your stuff back. Even then, it’ll be iffy because its a new device and I’m not sure if it’ll transfer over.

The game isn’t server side, it’s device side (part of the reason why we have a problem with hackers)

I had did a backup right before I got the game so anything I did with the game or got how ever far didn’t go to my iCloud and since it did not go to the cloud does that mean I can’t get anything back? And start over?

Sadly, you’re out of luck

If it were server side, it’d be a different story (probably) but because it’s device side, you’ll have to start from scratch.

We’ll this isn’t going to be fun… Was just starting to get going had cryowyrm too /: aha is cryowyrm going to be available again? At some point

There’s discussion of redoing old OMs and an island that can hold the previous seasons OMs.

That’s all I got for you

We’ll alrighty , thank you for the help dead, helps a lot

You can restore it from your computer if that’s where you backed it up. :slight_smile:

That’s how I got my game back three weeks ago when my old phone went up and suicided.

I don’t think i did that either /: I don’t use my phone for music so I generally don’t hook it up to the computer but ill def try , thank you (:

I don’t either, but I try to back it up once a week just in case! Never too bad to be overly safe.

question does it back up data each time ur on wifi and have it plugged in to an outlet or a computer? or is it only a computer? and need to actually tap back up?

Plugged into computer and probably

It can be plugged into anything, as long as it’s charging. It doesn’t send the backup to your computer; it sends it to Apple’s servers.

You need to do nothing except lock it with wifi on, provided backups are enabled.

Good to know.

Yoinking for future reference

However, you need to also have the game enabled to save via iCloud (which it defaults to).